Rls 2.7 was published 28 September 2012.
Aruba Utilities 2.7 is the second Google Play release. It requires Android 2.2+, tested to Android 4.1.1.
Since 2.4, the first public release:
- Dual-band heatmaps with new buttons on floorplan view
- Colour key legend for heatmaps
- Local location calculation based on both bands when available
- New Aruba Networks MAC OUI (24:DE:C6)
- Added to site survey display over floorplan and in log tab
- Display scan results in RSSI order
- Extensive logging for Airwave lookups and Airwave cookie login
- Changed http user-agent string to match Galaxy Nexus
- Reduced AMC upstream bandwidth test string length.
- Fixed a couple of bugs in Lat/Long to x/y and vice versa
- Fixed a bug where heatmaps were being drawn only based on AP tx pwr, not including AP-AP calibration
- Fixed a crash when Wi-Fi connected but Internet was not reachable
- Fixed crashes when null value strings were entered in preferences menu