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  • 1.  ArubaOS 6.4.x MIB guide required

    Posted Dec 30, 2015 04:24 PM

    Hi. I am looking for a MIB guide for ArubaOS 6.4.x providing explanation for individual traps. The MIB guide provided by Aruba for 6.X OS looks incomplete and missing details like what we used t have in 5.x MIB guide.

    Is there any place I can get explanation for all traps list for 6.X as MIB guide ofr 5.X is missing some traps info.

  • 2.  RE: ArubaOS 6.4.x MIB guide required

    Posted Dec 30, 2015 04:41 PM

    6.x is the most recent document. What specifically are you looking for? Maybe we can help.


  • 3.  RE: ArubaOS 6.4.x MIB guide required

    Posted Dec 31, 2015 04:50 AM

    Hi Tim,

    Actually I am working on a project for a service provider environment (3G offloading). They will integrate Airwave Servers with an external NMS (NetCool). They need an mapping sheet for each of the SNMP trap vs its decription. I was looking for something liek that.I found information in below format for some of the trap but lookign for the complete list for 6.4.X:

    wlsrChannelFrameRetryRateExceededThis trap indicates that an AM/AP located at wlsrLocation is reporting that it exceeded an upper threshold for Frame Retry Rate.
    wlsxAccessPointIsUpA trap which indicates that an Access point at Location apLocation and Address apIpAddress is up.

  • 4.  RE: ArubaOS 6.4.x MIB guide required

    Posted Dec 30, 2015 11:22 PM

    We have stopped updating the MIB guide from 6.4.x onwards. The MIBs descriptions are now part of the aruba-mibs_6.x.x.x_<build #>_tar.gz file. Unzipping this file will give you all the required information. You can download this file from the Download Software tab of the support site.


    A snippet of the aruba-trap.my file follows:

    wlsxTrapRogueIfoURL OBJECT-TYPE

               SYNTAX          DisplayString(SIZE(0..64))

               MAX-ACCESS      accessible-for-notify

               STATUS          current



               This object is used to point to the WEBUI Rogue AP information URL.
