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  • 1.  ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Aug 16, 2018 12:16 PM

    Hello folks,


    The new ArubaOS 8 includes the Mobility Master that can support multiple nodes, HA and load sharing.


    However if I got 2 x 7220 and no MM, how does HA works?


    Active / Active supported?

    Activive / pass supported?



    I am not sure because I could find many docs about MM, but few for two-controller and no MM.


    Many thanks.

  • 2.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Aug 16, 2018 12:26 PM

    Please look at the AOS8 fundamentals guide here:  http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Controller-Based-WLANs/ArubaOS-8-Fundamentals-Guide/ta-p/428914


    Search for "Standalone MC and Standby Standalone" in the Migration to AOS 8 chapter.  There will be details on how to setup HA between two standalone MCs.


    Spoiler: You can only setup VRRP in this scenario and point your access points to the VRRP..  All the features and functionality in AOS 8 are centered around having an MM be the centerpiece of your network.

  • 3.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Aug 16, 2018 12:59 PM

    cjoseph, thanks for the quick reply.


    As far as I could understand (based on the doc you've sent), two MC can only be used on Active / Standby when running ArubaOS 8 (without MM).


    This "old" doc from ArubaOS 6.4 shows HA active / active.



  • 4.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Aug 16, 2018 01:17 PM

    Is this your topology?


    "This ArubaOS 8 design consists of a standalone MC backed up by another standalone MC. As in the Master and Standby Master ArubaOS 6 design, VRRP is used between the two standalone controllers in an active-standby configuration. Similarly, High Availability (AP Fast Failover) is configured between the controllers so that APs terminate their tunnels on the active standalone controller in addition to setting up a standby tunnel to the standby standalone controller."


    If yes, these are the caveats:


    "•APs can only terminate on the active standalone controller • VRRP and AP Fast Failover are configured, however inter-controller heartbeats for AP Fast Failover is not supported in this design. AP Fast Failover detection will not be sub-second since the failover depends on VRRP latency. Upon detection the actual failover itself will be quick and simultaneous for all APs due to their existing standby tunnels"

  • 5.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Aug 16, 2018 03:07 PM

    @cjoseph wrote:

    Is this your topology?


    "This ArubaOS 8 design consists of a standalone MC backed up by another standalone MC. As in the Master and Standby Master ArubaOS 6 design, VRRP is used between the two standalone controllers in an active-standby configuration. Similarly, High Availability (AP Fast Failover) is configured between the controllers so that APs terminate their tunnels on the active standalone controller in addition to setting up a standby tunnel to the standby standalone controller."


    If yes, these are the caveats:


    "•APs can only terminate on the active standalone controller • VRRP and AP Fast Failover are configured, however inter-controller heartbeats for AP Fast Failover is not supported in this design. AP Fast Failover detection will not be sub-second since the failover depends on VRRP latency. Upon detection the actual failover itself will be quick and simultaneous for all APs due to their existing standby tunnels"

    Yes, there is one 7220 running code 6.5 and the ideia is to add a secondary 7220. The problem here is the budget for the MM. But if I could stay on code 6.5 I can run the active / active scenario.




    That should be ok.



  • 6.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 16, 2018 03:47 PM

    If you are running 6.5.x and you only have two controllers with 1:1 redundancy which would be Master/backup master, which would be VRRP, (not HA).  The benefit of running this in ArubaOS 6.5 is that the configurations between the two controllers would be synchronized, where in 8.x, it would not be synchronized without an MM.

  • 7.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Apr 01, 2019 01:10 PM

    Hi Folks,

    I know this tread is a little old but I was wondering if you could help me with this;

    Is this correct that in AOS 8.x "Standalone MC and Standby Standalone" topology ,the partial config sync is not performed because the two controllers are not in a master-local relationship?So for the config sync to take place, a controller needs to be in MCM mode ?



    Do we need to configure the two controllers with the same configuration independently in "Standalone MC and Standby Standalone"design?

    I read somewhere that the migration tool didn't support standalone controllers. I will install the tool and have a look at that. In your experience, is this a successful and reliable approach ?




  • 8.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Apr 01, 2019 04:01 PM

    If you have MCM (single standalone controller), you can add a standby to that controller (using master-backup) and your configurations will be synched.  The standby controller cannot terminate any access points, of course.


    I am not sure what the current iteration of the migration tool supports, but everyone benefits from creating their network from scratch, as opposed to relying on the tool, so they know exactly what they are doing, and how to troubleshoot, step by step.  A migration by a tool has unintended consequences and is not guaranteed to work as planned.

  • 9.  RE: ArubaOS 8 7220 HA

    Posted Apr 02, 2019 09:09 AM

    Thanks for your response!