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ArubaOS-CX 10.01 VSX: issues with OoBM (mgmt) interface of VSX Primary

This thread has been viewed 17 times
  • 1.  ArubaOS-CX 10.01 VSX: issues with OoBM (mgmt) interface of VSX Primary

    Posted Aug 09, 2018 11:09 AM

    Hello all,


    I'm seeing a strange issue with regards to interface mgmt of VSX Primay node.


    OoBM (interface mgmt) configuration is the same - apart from being clearly different on IPv4/IPv6 MAC Addresses and assigned IP Address - on both VSX Primary and Secondary:


    Aruba-8320-1# show interface mgmt
      Address Mode                  : static
      Admin State                   : up
      Mac Address                   : d0:67:26:xx:xx:xx
      IPv4 address/subnet-mask      :
      Default gateway IPv4          :
      IPv6 address/prefix           :
      IPv6 link local address/prefix: fe80::d267:26ff:fexx:xxxx/64
      Default gateway IPv6          :
      Primary Nameserver            :
      Secondary Nameserver          :
    Aruba-8320-1# show interface mgmt vsx-peer
      Address Mode                  : static
      Admin State                   : up
      Mac Address                   : d0:67:26:yy:yy:yy
      IPv4 address/subnet-mask      :
      Default gateway IPv4          :
      IPv6 address/prefix           :
      IPv6 link local address/prefix: fe80::d267:26ff:feyy:yyyy/64
      Default gateway IPv6          :
      Primary Nameserver            :
      Secondary Nameserver          :


    Aruba-8320-1(config-if-mgmt)# show running-config current-context
    interface mgmt
        no shutdown
        ip static
    Aruba-8320-2(config-if-mgmt)# show running-config current-context
    interface mgmt
        no shutdown
        ip static

    Both OoBM ports are connected to an Aruba 5406R zl2 VSF, respectively on 1/B1 and 2/B2 interfaces (both were untagged on our Management VLAN - VLAN 7 - which is then routed by our Core switch).


    HPE5406Rzl2_VSF_Backend# show interfaces brief ethernet 1/B1,2/B1
     Status and Counters - Port Status
                              | Intrusion                           MDI  Flow Bcast
      Port         Type       | Alert     Enabled Status Mode       Mode Ctrl Limit
      ------------ ---------- + --------- ------- ------ ---------- ---- ---- -----
      1/B1         100/1000T  | No        Yes     Up     1000FDx    MDI  off  0
      2/B1         100/1000T  | No        Yes     Up     1000FDx    MDI  off  0
    HPE5406Rzl2_VSF_Backend# show vlan port 1/B1,2/B1
     Status and Counters - VLAN Information - for ports 1/B1,2/B1
      VLAN ID Name                             | Status     Voice Jumbo
      ------- -------------------------------- + ---------- ----- -----
      7       Sub_251_Mgmt_new                 | Port-based No    No 

    Both interfaces 1/B1 and 2/B1, from the VSF standpoint and from the VSX Primary and Secondary standpoints, are up (administratively up and link LED is on on the VSF): I'm able to ping from/to OoBM port of the Secondary Aruba-8320-2 - which has the IP (the ping against itself works too) - to/from other routed networks and from the defined Default Gateway or from the VSF which is using the ping destination-ip-address vrf mgmt CLI command to specify which vrf to use for the ICMP Pings.


    I'm not able to do the same on the OoBM port of the Primary Aruba 8320-1 (the ping against itself works instead).


    I tried shutdown / no shutdown of interface mgmt of the Primary Aruba 8320-1...no go.


    I tried checking the cabling (swapping patch panel ports, VSF 1/B1<-->2/B1 interfaces and related patch cables) from both OoBM and the VSF's B modules...no go.


    So it seems that the issue is strictly tied to OoBM of Primary Aruba 8320-1 since the OoBM of Secondary Aruba 8320-2 works in any case.


    The issue showed up after the VSX was relocated in its final Rack position, so both nodes were powerd off and then on in sequence (first Primary then, few seconds after, the Secondary).


    What I noticed, VSF, side is that the MDI/MDIX of 1/B1 (OoBM Aruba 8320-1) seems to be sometime MDI sometime MDIX but I'm not able to find a relationship with the no reachability of the management interface.


    On VSF 1/B1 I also note some TX Drops while there aren't RX Drops at all...no issue on the VSF 2/B1.


    HPE5406Rzl2_VSF_Backend(config)# show interfaces ethernet 1/B1,2/B1
     Status and Counters - Port Counters for port 1/B1
      Name  : Aruba-8320-1-OoBM
      MAC Address      : f40343-aaaaaa
      Link Status      : Up
      Port Enabled     : Yes
      Totals (Since boot or last clear) :
       Bytes Rx        : 4,344                Bytes Tx        : 2,749
       Unicast Rx      : 11                   Unicast Tx      : 8
       Bcast/Mcast Rx  : 35                   Bcast/Mcast Tx  : 33
      Errors (Since boot or last clear) :
       FCS Rx          : 0                    Drops Tx        : 55,807
       Alignment Rx    : 0                    Collisions Tx   : 0
       Runts Rx        : 0                    Late Colln Tx   : 0
       Giants Rx       : 0                    Excessive Colln : 0
       Total Rx Errors : 0                    Deferred Tx     : 0
      Others (Since boot or last clear) :
       Discard Rx      : 0                    Out Queue Len   : 0
       Unknown Protos  : 0
      Rates (5 minute weighted average) :
       Total Rx (bps) : 0                     Total Tx (bps) : 0
       Unicast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 0              Unicast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 0
       B/Mcast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 0              B/Mcast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 0
       Utilization Rx  :     0 %              Utilization Tx  :     0 %
     Status and Counters - Port Counters for port 2/B1
      Name  : Aruba-8320-2-OoBM
      MAC Address      : f40343-bbbbbb
      Link Status      : Up
      Port Enabled     : Yes
      Totals (Since boot or last clear) :
       Bytes Rx        : 9,106,292            Bytes Tx        : 4,848,471
       Unicast Rx      : 10,413               Unicast Tx      : 5,156
       Bcast/Mcast Rx  : 44                   Bcast/Mcast Tx  : 56,872
      Errors (Since boot or last clear) :
       FCS Rx          : 0                    Drops Tx        : 0
       Alignment Rx    : 0                    Collisions Tx   : 0
       Runts Rx        : 0                    Late Colln Tx   : 0
       Giants Rx       : 0                    Excessive Colln : 0
       Total Rx Errors : 0                    Deferred Tx     : 0
      Others (Since boot or last clear) :
       Discard Rx      : 0                    Out Queue Len   : 0
       Unknown Protos  : 0
      Rates (5 minute weighted average) :
       Total Rx (bps) : 56                    Total Tx (bps) : 728
       Unicast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 0              Unicast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 0
       B/Mcast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 0              B/Mcast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 1
       Utilization Rx  :     0 %              Utilization Tx  :     0 %

    Is anyone able to reproduce? Can it be related to VSF where both OoBM ports are connected?


    Maybe it's me and I missed something evident...but I ran out of ideas today.



  • 2.  RE: ArubaOS-CX 10.01 VSX: issues with OoBM (mgmt) interface of VSX Primary

    Posted Aug 10, 2018 06:12 AM

    This morning I did some other tests and the issue IS NOT on the Aruba 8320 Primary OoBM...the issue is totally related to VSF 1/B1 port where the OoBM was connected to.


    I changed port now and the issue is gone...but 1/B1 still shows the problem (the only thing that came me to mind is that 1/B1 and 2/B1 were part of a LACP used for test, both were removed from that LACP Trunk and both were set to be untagged members of our management VLAN...so why the issue hit only the 1/B1 and not the 2/B1?) ...I must investigate further that but it's a VSF related thing.


    Kind regards, Davide.