Hi, I was reading about the
new ISSU feature provided by ArubaOS-CX 10.10 and currently available only on Aruba CX 6400 Switch series when equipped with two Management Modules.
This suggestion (see
here) about performing ISSU on a VSX deployment:
VSX environments: In order to minimize a potential downtime, it is strongly recommended that in a VSX topology ISSU is performed at different times for each switch. E.g., run ISSU on the primary switch, verify that it was successful, and then perform ISSU for the secondary switch."
which is totally reasonable, make me to ask if
VSX Live Upgrade and ISSU approaches can be played together in a orchestrated way or the fact that ISSU was engineered to let an hitless AOS-CX software update a single Chassis (with dual MMs), that standpoint doesn't couple well with the idea of using it also on a VSX deployment and its specific way of performing (fully automated and orchestrated) software updates of its VSX Members. Any opinion?
I know that, considering the specific case of a VSX, instead of relying on the VSX Live Upgrade procedure we are still free to proceed the old way (first upgrading the VSX Secondary then the VSX Primary, manually)...and so this can be coupled - as suggested in the above note - with applying first the ISSU on the VSX Secondary and only then on VSX Primary to complete the whole update procedure.
Mine is an attempt to understand - added complexity of operations apart - how much resilient is a VSX of Aruba 6400 with dual MMs if we introduce and manually perform the ISSU approach on each VSX Member compared to not introducing it at all and continue to live with the VSX Live Upgrade feature.
Maybe I'm trying a way to compare how better is (from a operational/management standpoint) is a VSX of Aruba 6400 with dual MMs on each VSX Members (with or without using ISSU) and a standalone Aruba 6400 with dual MMs and, again, operationally speaking, using ISSU during software updates. I know that isn't fair to compare a standalone Chassis versus VSX...but the VSX Live Upgrade and ISSU made me think.
Just thinking...