The key in this resourse will be updated in the AOS-S 16.09 release.
The name key will allow for a "null" or "zero length" name.
"description": "The name of the Port. An \"\" denotes removal of
already configured name if exists.",
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 64,
"minLength": 0,
"sql.unique": true
with a cURL commnad like:curl --noproxy <switch IP> --cookie "<sessionId cookie>" -i -k -X PUT https://<switch IP>/rest/v7/ports/<port ID> -d '{"id": "7", "name": "testPort"}'a response like this will be returned from the API:
or if left empty, curl --noproxy <switch IP> --cookie "<sessionId cookie>" -i -k -X PUT https://<switch IP>/rest/v7/ports/<port ID> -d '{"id": "7", "name": ""}'the respose from the API is: