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  • 1.  arubaos wireless terminate session profile vs dhcp only profile

    Posted 18 days ago

    hi, What is the difference between these two conditions in terms of evaluating succeeding conditions and enforcement? (rules evaluation is first-applicable)

    (Tips:Role  EQUALS  PROFILE-ME_ROLE) Aruba Wireless -Terminate Session
    AND  (Tips:Role  EQUALS  [User Authenticated])
    [Allow Access Profile], [Update Endpoint Known]
    AND  (Tips:Role  MATCHES_ALL  [Machine Authenticated]
    [User Authenticated]
    [Update Endpoint Known], [Allow Access Profile]
    AND  (Tips:Role  EQUALS  [Machine Authenticated])
    [Update Endpoint Known], [Allow Access Profile]


    (Tips:Role  EQUALS  PROFILE-ME_ROLE) Profile DHCP Role
    AND  (Tips:Role  EQUALS  [User Authenticated])
    [Allow Access Profile], [Update Endpoint Known]
    AND  (Tips:Role  MATCHES_ALL  [Machine Authenticated]
    [User Authenticated]
    [Update Endpoint Known], [Allow Access Profile]
    AND  (Tips:Role  EQUALS  [Machine Authenticated])
    [Update Endpoint Known], [Allow Access Profile]

  • 2.  RE: arubaos wireless terminate session profile vs dhcp only profile

    Posted 18 days ago

    Assuming this is two separate potential setups and the actions taken match the descriptions given, the first option is going to result in a device that hasn't been profiled being immediately kicked off the network.  And since the device gets kicked off immediately, the device never gets profiled.

    What you would normally want is for an unprofiled device to be allowed on, potentially in a restricted way, so that profiling by at least DHCP fingerprint can occur.  Then the profiled device action can fire and force the device to reauthenticate and proper policy to be applied.

    Also, don't write policy around [Machine Authenticated] unless you just really like counting on the MAC address to no be spoofed.  If you want computer and user authentication, use TEAP.  If you want to validate the device as an allowed device on the network, use the management platform (Intune/JAMF/etc.) to do so and then take action based on that.  Your role mapping should be looking at the interesting points of who/what/why/where/when/how for the authentication session and then setting roles based on that.  You definitely want something more interesting than just "authentication was good".  Testing [User Authenticated] is redundant, if [User Authenticated] isn't present then you'd never get to the authorization state in the first place.

    Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110

  • 3.  RE: arubaos wireless terminate session profile vs dhcp only profile

    Posted 15 days ago

    Hi Sir, 

    Can I copy the policy you used over [Machine Authenticated]? and an example for replacing [User Authenticated]?


  • 4.  RE: arubaos wireless terminate session profile vs dhcp only profile

    Posted 15 days ago

    I have little idea what you are trying to accomplish with this setup, nor do I have a setup that would be applicable to whatever you are trying to do.

    If you provide some clarity around what is bein attempted, might be able to provide some guidance.

    Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110

  • 5.  RE: arubaos wireless terminate session profile vs dhcp only profile

    Posted 13 days ago

    How about a basic pseudocode? I'd love to hear your thoughts on making this more robust.. Thank you Sir.

    Corporate SSID


                                   Mac Address is in Endpoints repository , status known and profiled less than 7 days ago

                    THEN                   Allow access to network

                    ELSE IF

                                                    OS is Windows 10 or Windows 11

                                                    AND      the device is joined to domain:

                                                    AND      user is authenticated by Active Directory


                                                    OS is Android OR OS is IOS

                                                    AND      the device is managed by Workspace One

                                                    AND      user is authenticated by Active Directory

                    THEN                   Allow access to network

                    ELSE                    Deny access



    Captive Portal


                                                  Mac Address is in Endpoints repository , status known and profiled less than 24 hours ago.

                    THEN                   Allow access to network for 24 hours

                    ELSE                     User is redirected to the captive portal with company skin

                                                    User checks the Terms of Use box and connects

                    THEN                   Allow access to network for 24 hours


    ELSE IF              Mac Address is in Static Host lists "IOT"

    THEN                   Allow access to network

                    ELSE                    Deny access
