Location Services

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  • 1.  AS-100 BLE sensor documentation

    Posted Feb 17, 2017 09:48 AM

    Hi there

    i have just set up an AS-100 BLE Sensor


    this morning i was able to login into console with the beacon app

    but it's no longer possible, i receive "Console Error" ans "Timed out" messages


    I'm looking for documentation about this device but all that i can find is the Installation Guide


    Could someone provides me with a command line configuration guide please ?


    Best regards




  • 2.  RE: AS-100 BLE sensor documentation
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 20, 2017 02:24 AM


    The AS-100 should be provisioned and configured with the 'Beacons' app that is available from the Apple App Store. Configuration is done from the Meridian App platform (edit.meridianapps.com).

    CLI configuration is not recommended, nor supported.

    Please make sure that you updated the Beacons App to the latest version, and you are close to your sensor (within few feet/meter). If you have another IOS device available, it may work to retry with that. If you still have problems that the Beacons app does not communicate properly, please contact the HPE Aruba TAC.

