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  • 1.  Assign username value from sAMAccountName

    Posted May 15, 2014 07:46 AM

    Clearpass 6.3.1

    ArubaOS 6.3.1


    I am using a particular Operator Profile for users that enables them access to create a single user account in the Guest User Repository. I am pre-populating both the sponsor_name and sponsor_email field, but cannot work out how to populate the username field with the value returned in sAMAccountName from AD?


    The three fields, sponsor_name, sponsor_email and username are set as Static Text. My enforcement profile for Guest authentication passes the values shown below:

    Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 12.34.44.png


    And my authentication source attributes are shown below:

    Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 12.36.29.png

  • 2.  RE: Assign username value from sAMAccountName

    Posted May 16, 2014 01:50 AM
    Is anyone aware of whether this can be achieved or not? I'm pretty sure there is some java string you can use in the field Initial Value on Guest to get this done?

  • 3.  RE: Assign username value from sAMAccountName

    Posted May 20, 2014 09:45 AM

    Can't you do this with a translation rule under the Operator Logins as follows:



  • 4.  RE: Assign username value from sAMAccountName

    Posted May 20, 2014 01:51 PM
    You can, but I wanted all my logic under the Policy Manager rather than guest, one point of control etc... I've got the solution now, so will post it shortly. Thanks

  • 5.  RE: Assign username value from sAMAccountName

    Posted Jun 02, 2014 12:05 AM

    Can you reply back with your solution?  Thanks.