Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Beacon Regulation.

    Posted Apr 27, 2012 06:44 PM

    Hi All,


    I just have a configuration question.




    Beacon regulate.


    Should we have this feature on to avoid beacon trampling over each other? It's recommended for dense deployments which we have. So I wanted to know if this was a cut and dry feature to turn on, or if it has the potential to step on another feature in the configuration.


    Also with CSA


    It's supposed to help clients jump to the new channel when the AP switches. Is it of any benefit?


    When the AP switches to the new channel with this feature turned of will all clients assoicated be dumped from the AP and then take another look at which AP has the best signal and then authenticate to that?

  • 2.  RE: Beacon Regulation.

    Posted Apr 28, 2012 10:54 AM

    Beacon regulation is turned on in all my deployments, its a good 'addition' to the base featureset that was added in the ARM 2.0 feature additions some time ago.  Please, by all means, activate... no downside.


    As for CSA, that has been around for years, and can be activated with little potential risk.  LIttle I say?   What I mean by that is that clients that don't support the management messaging that is used for this feature (and other related ones that need to be enabled when you 'check' the CSA box) will refuse to connect to the network.

    So what is the risk on CSA?  In my experience, the last time I saw a client get 'upset' at a CSA message was about 3 years ago.  I think you are sufficiently (as in 99.99%) safe that CSA will not cause you problems (on anyone's WLAN) these days.   The benefit of CSA is to advertise to all clients that the AP is changing channel in 900 msec, 800msec, 700msec.....NOW !   A good thing to help the client's driver get 'ready' itself.


    Hope that helps...

  • 3.  RE: Beacon Regulation.

    Posted Apr 30, 2012 12:01 PM

    Yes it does, thank you for your feedback.

  • 4.  RE: Beacon Regulation.

    Posted May 03, 2012 04:40 PM

    A follow up on that change


    After we applied Beacon Regulate to config a few of our buildings that usually don't have any issues started to act up.



    Users would lose connection to the network and wouldn't see the SSID.


    Since we rolled back the change the buildings haven't been having the issue.



    The only thing I have noticed is that the group of particular buildings aren't a dense AP deployment which is what the feature is for.


    Could that of been the issue?



  • 5.  RE: Beacon Regulation.

    Posted May 04, 2012 06:22 AM

    @dpwifi wrote:

    A follow up on that change


    After we applied Beacon Regulate to config a few of our buildings that usually don't have any issues started to act up.



    Users would lose connection to the network and wouldn't see the SSID.


    Since we rolled back the change the buildings haven't been having the issue.



    The only thing I have noticed is that the group of particular buildings aren't a dense AP deployment which is what the feature is for.


    Could that of been the issue?



    Please leave becon regulation off for now.  it is not needed for 802.11n APs, and there is a bug currently open for legacy APs.


  • 6.  RE: Beacon Regulation.

    Posted Jul 28, 2013 10:10 AM

    for now, "Beacon Regulation" 's bug is already fixed?


    in high-density and legacy AP envirement ,the feature can be enable? if can which AOS version is OK for that? 

  • 7.  RE: Beacon Regulation.

    Posted Jul 28, 2013 10:20 AM
    I would not use beacon regulation unless TAC recommends it. There must be specific circumstances present for it to be a benefit.