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Blocking device per category

This thread has been viewed 4 times
  • 1.  Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 08:49 AM


    I build a service and IM trying to block a device per category.

    The device is been classified correctly but is authenticated, IM sure something is messed up with my service classification

    can someone advise?



    Authorization:[Endpoints Repository]:CategorySmartDevice
    Authorization:[Endpoints Repository]:Device NameAndroid
    Authorization:[Endpoints Repository]:MAC VendorMurata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    Authorization:[Endpoints Repository]:OS FamilyAndroid

    Policies Used -

    Authentication Method:
    Authentication Source:
    Authorization Source:
    [Endpoints Repository], Active_directory
    Block_Devices, [User Authenticated]
    Enforcement Profiles:
    Service Monitor Mode:
    Authentication Methods:
    1. [eap-tls-Authorization Required-no] 2. [MSCHAP] 3. [EAP PEAP]
    Authentication Sources:
    Strip Username Rules:
    Authentication Sources: 
    Strip Username Rules: 
    Authentication Methods:
    1. [eap-tls-Authorization Required-no] 2. [MSCHAP] 3. [EAP PEAP]
    Authorization Details:
    [Endpoints Repository]
    Strip Username Rules: 
    Authorization Details: 
    Role Mapping Policy:
    Posture Policies:
    Posture Policies:
    Default Posture Token: 
    Remediate End-Hosts:
    Remediation URL:
    Posture Servers:
    Posture Servers:
    Proxy Targets:
    Proxying Scheme: 
    Proxy Targets: 
    RADIUS attributes to be removed from remote server (proxy target) reply
    Accounting Requests: 
    Proxy Targets:
    Proxy Targets: 
    Strip Username Rules: 
    Use Cached Results:
    Enforcement Policy:
    Audit Server:
    Audit Trigger Conditions: 
    Action after audit: 
    Endpoint Classification:
    RADIUS CoA Action:
    [Aruba Terminate Session]

  • 2.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 10:25 AM

    You could do this one of two ways:


    1.  You could use the Enforcement Profile as "Radius Deny" or Radius Drop.


    2.  If you are going to use Aruba Radius COA enforcement policy, you need two things:


    In Configuration> Network> Devices, you need The Aruba Controller as an entry (which you probably have), but you need to make sure that "Enable Radius COA" is checked.  In addition, on the Aruba Controller side, in the AAA profile for this WLAN, you need to define and attach an RFC 3576 server profile (the CPPM server ip address and preshared key), in order for COA to work.


  • 3.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 10:54 AM

    Using option 1.

    I got under enforcement so I could extend this role and add the rest of the parameters, BUT under the rules editor there is no category,

    I can block by device type and vendor and IM looking for categories, that's why I added authorization source to look for category smartphone and block it but it doesn't work.

     also, cant i use role mapping and then assign a default block role for this?


    Use Cached Results:Use cached Roles and Posture attributes from previous sessions
    Enforcement Policy:
    [Sample Allow Access Policy][Sample Deny Access Policy]Encrypted_Userskjn 
    Add new Enforcement Policy
    Enforcement Policy Details
    Default Profile:
    [Drop Access Profile]
    Rules Evaluation Algorithm:
     ConditionsEnforcement Profiles
    1.(Authentication:OuterMethod EQUALS EAP-TLS)TLS_Certificate_users
    2.(Authentication:OuterMethod EQUALS EAP-PEAP)PEAP_Active_Directory_Auth

  • 4.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 10:59 AM

    In Role Mappings, try,


    Authorization:[Endpoints Repository] Category Equals SmartDevice



    To set a role that you would deny later using the Enforcement Policy.


  • 5.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 11:04 AM

    thats what i have but it dosent work. and the Enforcement Policy dosent support categories from what i see.

    Policy Name:
    All devices categorized as smartphones will be blocked.
    Default Role:
    Mapping Rules:
    Rules Evaluation Algorithm:
    Evaluate all
     ConditionsRole Name
    1.(Connection:Client-Mac-Vendor CONTAINS Murata)Block_Access
    2.(Authorization:[Endpoints Repository]:OS Family EQUALS Android)Block_Access

  • 6.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 11:10 AM

    Here is a good approach.  Create roles for devices like "Android", "SmartDevice", etc.


    In your Role Evaluation Policy, use those rules to Set Roles (Tags) for Devices, and make sure you have "Evaluate All".  So A device could end up with the tags:


    [User Authenticated] (built in), Android, SmartDevice.


    You then use the Enforcement Policies (First Applicable) to check on the Roles, like if role Equals User Authenticated and Role Equals SmartDevice and Role Equals Android, set it to an enforcement profile that blocks access.


    Long story short, Role Mappings are used to set Roles or Tags to Devices.  Enforcement Policies are used to make decisions based on all the Roles (tags) that an incoming authentication has.


  • 7.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 11:23 AM

    ok i see, but how can i pass the tag? just to use the same name ?

    can you give an example of this?

    also i got several enfo. policy now i need to combine them?


  • 8.  RE: Blocking device per category
    Best Answer

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 11:31 AM

    Step1:  Define Any Role (tag) that you want your devices to have in Configuration> Identity> Roles.  For example, I would create one for Android, because that is one attribute that I want to track later.

    Step2: In your Role Mapping Policy, write a rule that looks in the Endpoint Repository and If it sees that is an Android, Attach it to the Role Android.

    Step3. In your Enforcement Policy use a rule that looks for authentication and TIPS: role Equals Android that you established and then set the enforcement policy to allow or block whatever you want.


    Below is an enforcement policy that looks to see if the device authenticated in AD and if it has the Android role, and it sends back a reject to the controller:



  • 9.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Mar 24, 2016 08:57 AM

    Hi Colin,


     I'm just read your old post.... Regarding your Step2 below:

    Step2: In your Role Mapping Policy, write a rule that looks in the Endpoint Repository and If it sees that is an Android, Attach it to the Role Android.


    If the device is never be connected (and accepted) to that SSID, then that device wouldn't recorded into Endpoint Repository right? So we didn't know whether that device is an Android or not. How to manage this case?




  • 10.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Mar 24, 2016 08:59 AM

    You would put unprofiled devies into an interim profiling state and enable profiling on the service.

  • 11.  RE: Blocking device per category

    Posted Mar 24, 2016 09:09 AM

    Hi Cappalli,


    Could you furnish further about this? thank you....