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Caller ID on transfered Calls

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RockymNov 04, 2009 02:56 PM

  • 1.  Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 11, 2009 03:03 PM

    Does this fix still work on a V3000 with R6.0.X code?

    Solution ID:


    NBX - Caller ID of Originating Party

    Problem: Caller ID

    Fact: Caller ID of Forwarding party

    Fact: 3Com NBX V3000

    Fact: SuperStack 3 NBX

    Fact: NBX 100

    Fact: Originating party

    Fact: NBX R4_1

    Fact: NBX R4_3

    Cause: Before NBX R4_1_77 a call to an NBX system that was forwarded or transferred to an outgoing trunk contained the caller ID information of the Forwarding party not the originating party. In NBX R4_1_77 and later releases a call that is forwarded or transferred trunk to trunk contains the caller ID of the originating party. Some PSTNs do not connect calls unless the Caller ID matches the forwarding party telephones' ID. Customers who want to send the forwarding party Caller ID, must modify the nboss.cfg file. Refer to fix.


    FTP to the NBX

    -enter your administrative name and password (minimum of 8 characters

    - cd /dos0/R4_X_X

    - Do a "get" of the NBoss.cfg file

    -modify the NBoss.cfg file by adding the following flag to the bottom of the file and setting it to OFF

    "Originating Caller ID = OFF

    -save the file

    -put the Nobss.cfg file back on the NBX

    - Reboot the system to R4_X_XX

  • 2.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 11, 2009 03:21 PM
    You cnanot use R4.1.77 code on the V3000 . It started at R4.4.2 and is now shairng 6.0 code . Go into country / regional settings and advanced settings as there is a window you can change this parameter . I'll review the 3KB .

  • 3.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 11, 2009 06:02 PM
    HI. You do not have to do that command. It is now in Netset.

    Go to Country Settings/Regional Settings. Then click on the Advanced Regional Settings Tab. You will see the option "Send transferring partys caller id"

    Hope this helps !

  • 4.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 12, 2009 12:15 PM
    I put this note in to reflect V3000 systems use 4.4 or higher and 6.0 location for this feature :

    V3000 systems only operate on R4.4 code or higher . R6.0 code has this feature built into netset / country settings / regional settings /advanced regional settings

    Forward and Transfer

    This setting affects calls that are transferred or forwarded across NBX Digital Line Cards.

    See Help for additional information.

  • 5.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 16, 2009 02:52 PM
    Is it possibile to not work on Release 6_0_35 on V3001R?

    I make change follow your STEP (on NetSet) but doesn't works.

    I try to control on the NBOSS.CFG but i didn't find the command thet you describe.

  • 6.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 16, 2009 04:40 PM
    Are regular transfered calls working or just not the Caller ID portion?

  • 7.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 17, 2009 04:07 PM
    you should not have to go into nboss.cfg in order to change it. this was added to netset.

    HI. You do not have to do that command. It is now in Netset.

    Go to Country Settings/Regional Settings. Then click on the Advanced Regional Settings Tab. You will see the option "Send transferring partys caller id"

    remember this works for digital line cards only, not analog line cards

  • 8.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Mar 17, 2009 08:37 PM
    Thanks for reply and the precision.

    In effect i have the tep like PRI.

    I try another way because have the problem on a customer but tomorrow i reply in a lab.

  • 9.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Oct 09, 2009 12:06 PM
    I'm having a problem with the above fix, hopefully someone can help.

    Running a V5000 on version R4_3_6, so I need to edit the nboss.cfg file as listed in the KB article. However, after adding the "Originating Caller ID = OFF flag to the bottom of the nboss.cfg file, uploading it back to the NBX and rebooting, trunk-to-trunk forwarded calls over our PRI are still trying to send the originating party's caller ID (I need to send the forwarding party's caller ID for the PSTN to accept the connection). I suspect there's something wrong with the syntax in the article (a typo, perhaps?). Here are the variations of the syntax I've tried:

    "Originating Caller ID = OFF

    Originating Caller ID = OFF


    Any thoughts?

  • 10.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Oct 09, 2009 12:20 PM
    hi.. You have to be running 4.3.16 or higher version of 4.3 for this to work

    the correct syntax is:


    (no spaces)

    hope this helps !!

  • 11.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Oct 09, 2009 01:03 PM
    Do you happen to know if 4.3.16 is a free upgrade from 4.3.6? Also, any idea where I could download that version? Looks like 3Com doesn't have it on its site any more.


  • 12.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Oct 09, 2009 01:38 PM
    yes, it is free.

    ftp to ftpnbx.3com.com, user: Dealers,


    go to the /Dealers/R4_3_17 Software folder.. 4.3.17 is there because it was the last 4.3.x release..

  • 13.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Oct 12, 2009 10:52 AM
    Thanks for the link!

    Also, while getting that flag added over the weekend, I discovered that you don't need to be running 4.3.16 or newer for it to work...on a whim, I added the flag on my existing 4.3.6 system, and it worked. Seeing as there's a reference to this flag in the 4.3 release notes (it simply outlines the problem and suggests users who need a fix contact 3Com support), I'd be willing to guess that it'll work on any version of 4.3. However, you were correct with your syntax -- it's unfortunate that 3Com can't even get the syntax correct in its own KB articles, but not terribly surprising considering it's 3Com.

  • 14.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Oct 12, 2009 11:41 AM

    You did not mention the 3KB number but I think I found it . I put in a request to fix 3KB13975

    Unfortunately these things do occur but there is a new system in place with a double check on a lot of these . If you find any issues with the solutions please don't hesitate to let us know , Considering what the 3KB was written for . Apologies for the issue ....


    This message was edited by merlin on 10-12-09 @ 8:44 AM

  • 15.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 06:26 PM
    This has yet to work for my V3000 over PRI. By default outbound calls are set to show 614-280-16XX from my dial plan as ANI. Every call I place from here shows that number on caller ID. There has to be a way to make the caller ID of a person calling my desk pass along to the display of my cell phone when call forward occurs.

    I have tried everything and nothing works. Can someone please tell me step by step because clicking the radio button, send originating parties caller ID didn't do anything. Doesn't matter which option I chose, the result is the same.

    Code Revision 6_0_63 Non Sip Mode

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 16.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 06:37 PM
    You may have your dial plan set to send a certain caller ID, but is your service provider actually passing along that information? It's possible that in your scenario your service provider is handling the outbound caller ID, and throwing away the digits you're sending it. Also, these days it seems to be more and more common for service providers to only send the caller ID digits of the numbers you have with them as a security measure -- that was my problem; our provider saw calls coming from our equipment with a caller ID that wasn't provisioned to the circuit and refused to connect the calls.

  • 17.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 06:47 PM
    1. make an inbound call

    2. Forward form your tel to your cell

    3. review the inbound caller id and as long as the feature is enabled , then you should see your originating party caller id on your tel .

    If not , Can you open a case with Us and we can asssist you ? we have used this numerous times on code all the way up to 6.5 .

    In 6.0 Netset :

    Go to :

    Country settings / regional settings / advanced settings and see what it is set for ? Remember a hint is that after making this change you may have to reboot your NBX as well .

    Use the originaing caller id or transferred caller id settings . In your Case I would think you would want to use transferred caller id , or see if both of them are working . If not , then maybe something else is going on ....

    This message was edited by merlin on 11-3-09 @ 3:52 PM

  • 18.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 03, 2009 07:49 PM
    Thanks Merlin. I have read several of your answers in the past and you seem very knowledgeable. I also appreciate the answer from the other gentleman in regards to my carrier (Time Warner Telecom) about the PRI and caller ID. The carrier is pushing 614-652-63XX and when I took this systems over 3 years ago the dial plan was already set to pulse 614-280-16xx. I have added several etries over the years for various things but I dont know which lines to edit in regards to stopping 614-280-16xx and just let the carrier outpulse for me. The dial plan seems to be causing the issue. Please tell me what to strip from the dial plan

    / PreTransId Entry OperId Operation Value

    / ---------- ----- ------ --------- -----

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 1 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 2 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 3 1 replace 6142801600

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 4 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 5 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 6 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 7 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 8 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 9 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 10 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 11 1 replace 3300

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 12 1 replace 3200

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 13 1 replace 3100

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 2 1 1 replace 6142801600

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 19.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 09:58 AM
    Pretrans 2 is your caller id pretranslator for outbound calling .

    Not sure how this plays into the issue above .

    A brief description :

    1. To send a btn ? 508 323-5000 to every caller . This way everyone sees the same caller id

    2. To send out the did information so that the caller's number is presented , Say a did for

    508 323-5004 . This way each tel has their own number . ( 5000 thru say 5099 as a ficticious range )

    On Inbound caller id :

    Telco sends us a number , say , 508 323-6000 via a pri call inbound . We send this info to the callers tel on an inbound call . So , when the number say is forwarded to another number , outbound call forwarding like descrobed above , this number will be sent instead of your extension number to the outside forwared number . You change this in the regional settings described in my last message .

  • 20.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 10:47 AM
    That is the thing. I have changed the reginal settings which prompts a reboot each time. I have toggled between both settings and it doesnt make a difference. Caller ID on forward remains 614-280-16XX> I will paste my entire dial plan, if you can tell me what to strip out I will and then test. DO I need to do anything in Netset under dialplan>Prestranslators?

    I wrote this entire dial plan via trial and error.



    / NBX Dial Plan Configuration File

    / Generated from machine V3000 owned by Influent

    / Generated on WED NOV 04 08:45:44 2009



    / First, delete all existing dialplan information

    Table Delete *

    DestinationRoute Delete *

    TimedRoute Delete *

    PreTranslator Delete *

    / Now, create all dialplan information


    / Settings. Note: ACD ranges included in HuntGroup category.


    ExtensionLength 4

    ExtensionRange Telephone 3000 3777

    ExtensionRange Park 7000 7099

    ExtensionRange AutoAttendant 5500 5599

    ExtensionRange HuntGroup 4000 4099

    ExtensionRange External 6300 7999


    / The ExtensionRange External Setting MUST include the Park range.

    / If the Call Park range is outside of the ExtensionRange External,

    / the Call Park feature will not work.


    ExternalSettings 8 6300 500


    / Dial Plan Tables


    Table Create 1 Internal 4 Digit Extensions

    / Id Entry Digits Min Max Class Prio Route

    / -- ----- ------------ --- --- ------------- ---- -----

    TableEntry Create 1 1 0 1 1 Internal 0 4

    TableEntry Create 1 2 1 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 1 4 3 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 1 5 4 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 1 6 500 3 3 Internal 0 3

    TableEntry Create 1 7 55 4 4 Internal 0 3

    TableEntry Create 1 8 6 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 1 9 7 4 4 Diagnostics 0 0

    TableEntry Create 1 10 8 8 11 Local 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 11 80 2 64 Operator 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 12 801 4 64 International 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 13 81 9 12 LongDistance 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 20 8101 9 64 AlternateLong 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 21 911 3 3 Emergency 0 2

    TableEntry Create 1 22 81800 12 12 TollFree 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 23 81888 12 12 TollFree 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 24 81877 12 12 TollFree 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 25 81900 12 12 Toll 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 26 81976 12 12 Toll 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 27 9911 4 4 Emergency 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 28 8411 4 4 Operator 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 29 9* 4 4 COCode 0 1

    TableEntry Create 1 30 8 8 11 Local 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 31 80 2 64 Operator 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 32 801 4 64 International 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 33 81 9 12 LongDistance 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 34 8101 9 64 AlternateLong 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 35 81800 12 12 TollFree 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 36 81888 12 12 TollFree 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 37 81877 12 12 TollFree 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 38 81900 12 12 Toll 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 39 81976 12 12 Toll 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 40 8911 4 4 Emergency 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 41 8411 4 4 Operator 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 42 8* 4 4 COCode 0 8

    TableEntry Create 1 43 *2 6 6 Internal 0 88

    TableEntry Create 1 44 22 4 4 WAN 0 22

    TableEntry Create 1 45 23 4 4 WAN 0 23

    TableEntry Create 1 46 24 4 4 WAN 0 24

    TableEntry Create 1 47 26 4 4 WAN 0 26

    TableEntry Create 1 48 27 4 4 WAN 0 27

    TableEntry Create 1 49 25 4 4 WAN 0 25

    TableEntry Create 1 50 28 4 4 WAN 0 28

    TableEntry Create 1 51 22 4 4 Internal 0 22

    TableEntry Create 1 52 23 4 4 Internal 0 23

    TableEntry Create 1 53 24 4 4 Internal 0 24

    TableEntry Create 1 54 26 4 4 Internal 0 26

    TableEntry Create 1 55 27 4 4 Internal 0 27

    TableEntry Create 1 56 25 4 4 Internal 0 25

    TableEntry Create 1 57 28 4 4 Internal 0 28

    Table Create 2 Incoming 4 Digit DID and Auto At

    / Id Entry Digits Min Max Class Prio Route

    / -- ----- ------------ --- --- ------------- ---- -----

    TableEntry Create 2 1 0 1 1 Internal 0 4

    TableEntry Create 2 2 1 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 2 3 2 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 2 4 3 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 2 5 4 4 4 Internal 0 0

    TableEntry Create 2 6 500 3 3 Internal 0 3

    TableEntry Create 2 7 55 4 4 Internal 0 3

    TableEntry Create 2 8 *2 6 6 Internal 0 88

    TableEntry Create 2 51 22 4 4 Internal 0 22

    TableEntry Create 2 52 23 4 4 Internal 0 23

    TableEntry Create 2 53 24 4 4 Internal 0 24

    TableEntry Create 2 54 26 4 4 Internal 0 26

    TableEntry Create 2 55 27 4 4 Internal 0 27

    TableEntry Create 2 56 25 4 4 Internal 0 25

    TableEntry Create 2 57 28 4 4 Internal 0 28

    Table Create 3 Least Cost Routing


    / Routes


    / Route Description

    / ----- -----------

    DestinationRoute Create 1 LocalCO

    DestinationRoute Create 2 LocalCONoStrip

    DestinationRoute Create 3 Voice Application

    DestinationRoute Create 4 Attendant

    DestinationRoute Create 5 H323 ConneXtions Ports

    DestinationRoute Create 8 8 Pool

    DestinationRoute Create 22 VTL Lincoln

    DestinationRoute Create 23 VTL New Philly

    DestinationRoute Create 24 VTL Marietta

    DestinationRoute Create 25 Panama

    DestinationRoute Create 26 VTL Quincy

    DestinationRoute Create 27 VTL LA Sales Office

    DestinationRoute Create 28 Tiffin

    DestinationRoute Create 88 Phantom Direct Dialing

    / Route Entry DestinationExtension

    / ----- ----- --------------------

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 1 1 *0001

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 1 2 *0002

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 2 1 *0001

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 2 2 *0002

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 3 1 *0003

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 4 1 *0004

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 5 1 *0005

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 8 1 *0008

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 22 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 23 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 24 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 25 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 26 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 27 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 28 1 *0006

    DestinationRouteEntry Create 88 1 *0003

    / Route Entry OperId Operation Value

    / ----- ----- ------ --------- -----

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 1 1 1 stripLead 1

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 1 2 1 stripLead 1

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 8 1 1 stripLead 1

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 22 1 1 prepend 10*110*50*20*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 23 1 1 prepend 10*50*50*200*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 24 1 1 prepend 10*70*50*251*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 25 1 1 prepend 10*150*50*251*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 26 1 1 prepend 10*100*50*251*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 27 1 1 prepend 10*80*10*251*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 28 1 1 prepend 10*60*50*251*

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 88 1 1 stripLead 2

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 88 1 2 prepend 500FAAAAA4#

    DestinationRouteOperation Create 88 1 3 append #*F


    / Pretranslators


    PreTranslator Create 1 4Digit DDI 4Digit Internal

    / PreTransId Entry Digits

    / ---------- ----- ------

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 1 1

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 2 2

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 3 3

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 4 4

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 5 5

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 6 6

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 7 7

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 8 8

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 9 9

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 10 0

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 11 3035

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 12 3039

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 13 3058

    PreTranslator Create 2 Outbound Caller ID Presentation

    / PreTransId Entry Digits

    / ---------- ----- ------

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 2 1 3

    / PreTransId Entry OperId Operation Value

    / ---------- ----- ------ --------- -----

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 1 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 2 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 3 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 4 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 5 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 6 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 7 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 8 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 9 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 10 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 11 1 replace 3300

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 12 1 replace 3200

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 13 1 replace 3100

    / End of configuration

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 21.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 11:00 AM
    I am on with my carrier now. I have over 250 ISDN PRIs that I manage and I am very familiar with how they work. I have a feeling the carrier is going to tell me they are not pushing any caller ID for me, my PBX is doing it. That is the way we do it with all of our predictive dialers and this circuit in the V3000 hasn't been changed since it was installed 5 years ago. I will update when I have the answer from TW Telecom.

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 22.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 11:11 AM
    Okay. TW Telecom was forcing caller ID for me. I asked them to stop and it worked, I could get the correct caller ID on call forward. The issue is when I dial from my desk now to the PSTN it shows my extension instead of 614-280-1600. Any ideas?

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 23.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 02:37 PM
    You have to setup a pretranslator(dial plan) to manipulate the output.


    PreTranslator Create 2 CLIP Translate Ext to DID

    / PreTransId Entry Digits

    / ---------- ----- ------

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 2 1 102

    / PreTransId Entry OperId Operation Value

    / ---------- ----- ------ --------- -----

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 2 1 1 replace 7608041435

  • 24.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 02:42 PM
    Isnt that what I have.

    PreTranslator Create 2 Outbound Caller ID Presentation

    / PreTransId Entry Digits

    / ---------- ----- ------

    PreTranslatorEntry Create 2 1 3

    / PreTransId Entry OperId Operation Value

    / ---------- ----- ------ --------- -----

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 1 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 2 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 3 1 replace 6142801600

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 4 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 5 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 6 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 7 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 8 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 9 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 10 1 replace 4400

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 11 1 replace 3300

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 12 1 replace 3200

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 1 13 1 replace 3100

    PreTranslatorOperation Create 2 1 1 replace 6142801600

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 25.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 02:45 PM
    Yes, if your extensions start with a 3.

    Make sure you set the user extensions to use the correct table.

    If you ran a dial plan test, it will probably show no pretranslator selected.

  • 26.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 02:52 PM
    Extension range is 3001 and up. It still doesnt work. It shows my ext as caller ID> DO I need to select my ext in Netset under pretranslators in Device using?

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 27.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 02:56 PM

  • 28.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 04:53 PM
    I think only the PRI channels will need to be in the device using CLI tab for Pretranslator 2. Keep Device using empty, and select PRI channels extensions within Device Using CLI

  • 29.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 04:57 PM
    Also, BTW if any outside number starting with 3 gets forwarded by NBX system to your mobile, they will also get pretranslated to 6142801600, so it would be better if you are more specific in the Pretranslator 2 entry 1, unless you are sure no outside number starting with 3 will be calling

  • 30.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 05:49 PM
    Thanks everyone. I am now pushing individual DIDs outbound for each extension and caller ID on call forward works. Someday I may get a support contract, would be nice.

    I recommend 3Com phone systems across the board. Hopefully 3COm will start to market them more aggressively as most people I install for on side jobs are not aware they dont have to spend thousands of dollars on Avaya and Nortel, they could have spend $2000 for a new V3001.

    Michael J Barnett

    Telecom/Network Manager

    Influent Inc

    Dublin Oh 43017

  • 31.  RE: Caller ID on transfered Calls

    Posted Nov 05, 2009 01:24 PM
    Basically added in a few pretrans statements :

    pretrans entrycreate 3056

    pretransoperationcrreate replace 5556063

    All ext's that needed the did , had to be entered into the dp as seperate entries along with its did number .

    3000 thru 3099 had quite a few entries to match a new outbound did caller id to so they had to be entered in manually one entry at a time .

    The ext and the did were different .

    Then some of the exts still had tio use the main number 508 3235000 on outboudn caller id .

    So the exts in ranges 3100 , 3200 , 3300 had a pretrans entry for the main btn

    pretrans entrycreate 31

    pretransoperationcreate replace 508 3235000

    We did this for the 31 32 and 33 series range of extension .

    Mission accomplished !

    Nice job