There are several options to leverage Aruba APs for BLE-based tracking using the IoT framework, depending on the SW version running.
Information can be found on the HPE Networking Support Portal here:
The framework differs for ArubaOS/Aruba Instant vs. AOS10.
Aruba Instant and AOS10 can be managed via Aruba Central.
Aruba Instant Config:
AOS10/IoT-Operations Config:
You have to develop your own server endpoint to receive BLE advertisement data via the IoT framework.
Example implementations can be found on the Code Exchange:

Original Message:
Sent: Jun 13, 2024 03:20 AM
From: partibrejker
Subject: Can Beacons be managed through Central?
i was writing for tags in previous post.
so in IAP you can setup Transport profile where you can define what you want to track and also setup what poximity you want to report etc
You have some tags that are recognized ot of the box e.g. Blyott or use unclassified if they are not listed here.
Similar setup can be done in Central.
But you need an endpoint where to put data and scripts or system to interpret it.

Original Message:
Sent: Jun 12, 2024 10:04 PM
From: ryh
Subject: Can Beacons be managed through Central?
Can I ask - is it just the Aruba Tags that can be tracked by the Instant APs, or other vendors?
I would like to track proximity of some tags to certain APs, without using Meridian. Do you know of any way to make that work, either in Central or API or otherwise?
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 16, 2022
From: James69
Subject: RE: Can Beacons be managed through Central?
Instant AP assets can be tracked using BLE tags, Instant AP beacons scan the network. When a tag is detected, the Instant AP sends a beacon with information about the tag including the MAC address and RSSI of the tag to the Virtual Controller.
James Gross
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 25, 2019 12:57 PM
From: Eric Tchadej
Subject: Can Beacons be managed through Central?
Can Beacons be managed through Central?
If so, what are my monitoring options? What alerts can be set up?
If not, what alerts can be set up in Meridian? Just battery alerts?