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  • 1.  Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 16, 2020 06:48 AM

    Hi Team,


    We have some issue in applying new config in MM-VA-5K as it shows flash is full. When we check hard disk 1 and 2, it is 40 GB and 64GB. However, as per Aruba hard disk 1 should always be 4GB and should not be modified. hard disk 2 is 64GB for 8.5.


    I Wanted to know if we can reduce hard disk 1 to 4 GB directly?


    Thank you!




  • 2.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 16, 2020 08:24 AM

    Hi Team,


    We get the error when we try to do a new config.

    Not enough space in flash to save configuration. Config commit aborted.

    (SRP-1) [mynode] #show storage


    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on

    none                      3.0G    138.5M      2.9G   5% /tmp

    /dev/sdb1                 5.8G      5.7G         0 100% /flash

    /dev/sda5                 1.4G    386.4M   1016.6M  28% /mnt/disk1

    /dev/sda6                 1.4G    386.4M   1016.6M 28% /mnt/disk2


    Version: and Mobility master and MD setup.


    Can we change hard disk 1 to 4 GB directly? or do we have to create a new hard disk as we do for hard disk 2?


    Any help is much appreciated.



  • 3.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 16, 2020 08:40 AM

    You can increase the flash size on your VM. 


    Please refer to the following Document, where you can see more information under Increasing the Flash Size on a vSphere Hypervisor:



    Hope this is helpfull.

  • 4.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 17, 2020 01:04 AM



    Thank you for your response. However I would like to know how to resize hard disk 1.


    We get the error when we try to do a new config.

    Not enough space in flash to save configuration. Config commit aborted.

    (SRP-1) [mynode] #show storage


    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on

    none                      3.0G    138.5M      2.9G   5% /tmp

    /dev/sdb1                 5.8G      5.7G         0 100% /flash

    /dev/sda5                 1.4G    386.4M   1016.6M  28% /mnt/disk1

    /dev/sda6                 1.4G    386.4M   1016.6M 28% /mnt/disk2


    Version: and Mobility master and MD setup.


    Can we change hard disk 1 to 4 GB directly? or do we have to create a new hard disk as we do for hard disk 2? Because we know that to change hard disk 2, we create hard disk 3 then delete hard disk 2. So what should we do if we need to change hard disk 1 as it is 40GB.


    When we check hard disk 1 and 2, it is 40 GB and 64GB. However, as per Aruba hard disk 1 should always be 4GB and should not be modified. hard disk 2 is 64GB for 8.5.


    Need assistance asap so please update. 


    Any help is much appreciated.

  • 5.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 17, 2020 01:37 AM

    Hi Team,


    Can anyone help us on this.


    Thank you in advance!

  • 6.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 17, 2020 02:24 AM

    I am not sure i got your concern correct, but refer to this article and try it, it could help:


    Also, you can try and delete your Logs and Previous backup configs on your Flash. I would recommend to download them locally on your computer/laptop or somewhere else and then delete old data from flash.

  • 7.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 17, 2020 02:39 AM
      |   view attached


    Thank you for your response and I really appreciate it.

    ISSUE: Unable to do a new config in cd /mm or cd /md/device mac as it throws error "Not enough space in flash to save configuration. Config commit aborted."


    1 VMM- MM-VA-5K
    1 Standby
    90 MDs
    2000 APs


    I tried removing unwanted files from #dir using delete filename <filename> and still had the same issue
    Below output shows available as 0 for flash - /dev/sdb1

    (SRP-1) [mynode] #show storage


    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on

    none 3.0G 138.5M 2.9G 5% /tmp

    /dev/sdb1 5.8G 5.7G 0 100% /flash

    /dev/sda5 1.4G 386.4M 1016.6M 28% /mnt/disk1

    /dev/sda6 1.4G 386.4M 1016.6M 28% /mnt/disk2

    When we check hard disk 1 and 2 in VMM- MM-VA-%K, it is 40 GB and 64GB
    However, as per Aruba hard disk 1 should always be 4GB and should not be modified and hard disk 2 is 64GB for 8.5 so hard disk 2 is fine
    If we do failover, APs and MDs move to standby and has to no issues in doing any config
    However in primary VMM, i get space error when we do config
    As per attached document, we can resize hard disk 2 by creating hard disk 3 and deleting hard disk 2 if we need to increase value for hard disk 2
    Aruba explains the below:

    When you look at the virtual machine settings of an MM or VMC, there will be two disks:

    Hard Disk 1 - should be 4GB and this is where the bootloader and AOS image partitions are located (partition 0 and partition 1). This should not be changed or modified.
    Hard Disk 2 - will default to 6GB from the MM or VMC OVA (unless deployed from the migration tool, where it will be sized appropriately based on platform selected). This is where the /flash partition is, used by applications to store data and configuration. This is the disk that will be modified if the MM or VMC is to be resized.

    Many processes are in initializing state after reloading VMM
    We wanted to go with aruba recommendation as they have stated we should not change hard disk 1 and it should be 4 however end customer has it set to 40 GB
    We get the below errors in controller

    <ERRS> |nanny| Still not enough free flash space, removing all crash data

    <ERRS> |nanny| After cleaning ALL crash data, free flash space is 0 MB

    <CRIT> |nanny| Still do not have enough free flash space, nothing more to delete: free flash space is 0 MB

    To change hard disk 2, we create hard disk 3 etc however for hard disk 1, can we reduce the value from 40GB to 4GB directly? will there be any impact?



    Thank you!



  • 8.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 17, 2020 02:54 AM

    In this case, i would contact TAC Support. They will for sure find a fast and more reliable solution.

  • 9.  RE: Can we change Hard disk 1 in VMC?

    Posted Apr 17, 2020 03:10 AM



    End customer has already in the process of creating tac ticket but we wanted to confirm this so we can do it.


    Thank you!



