Original Message:
Sent: Aug 15, 2024 11:31 AM
From: pmonardo
Subject: Central AOS 8 - 80Mhz wide 6Ghz channels also defaults it for 5Ghz
"Wide Channel Bands" is not checked for 5Ghz... only 80Mhz for 6Ghz is.
I guess I have to manually remove the + and E channels so that they don't work and give that a shot
Aruba Partner Ambassador ACMP, ACDP, ACCP, ACEP
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 13, 2024 09:19 PM
From: Josh Schmelzle
Subject: Central AOS 8 - 80Mhz wide 6Ghz channels also defaults it for 5Ghz
There are two options in Central. Both are located in Devices > Config > Radio > RF > ARM > Access Point Control.
1. Check "Customize Valid Channels" and remove 5 GHz channels with +, E, or S affixes. These are for 40, 80, and 160 MHz channel widths respectively.
2. Uncheck "Wide Channel Bands" from 5 GHz.
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 13, 2024 03:30 PM
From: Pasquale Monardo
Subject: Central AOS 8 - 80Mhz wide 6Ghz channels also defaults it for 5Ghz
I want to use 80Mhz wide channels for our 6Ghz radios so I am only setting it up for the 6Ghz radio in the ARM profile and leaving the 5Ghz radio to 20Mhz.
The issue is that the 5Ghz radio for some reason is also at 80Mhz even though it is not checked off.
In AOS 10 this is not an issue but in AOS 8 Instant it seems to be?
Running AP-635s
Aruba Partner Ambassador ACMP, ACDP, ACCP, ACEP