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I have imported an IAP cluster into Airwave and the public cert that was installed has been stripped out. Is this expected behaviour? its happened twice now.
Have you added the device in manage mode? Only the certificate is been removed or all the configration done in IAP?
it has been added in managed mode and picked up the configuration from the group it is in on Airwave but the certificate is missing.
Have you mapped certificate in Groups>Basic page>Aruba Instant section, if not please upload the ceritficate in Device setup > certificate section first and map the certificate in Group>Basic page.
If my post addresses your query give kudos:)
In the lab i managed to do this however the customer reports that he is not able to select the certificate in the group for upload as "server" or "Captive portal" etc. So although its been uploaded into the certificate store, it is not listed in the drop-down in the group template.
Need to check what type of certificate customer uploaded in certificate page, ask end customer to try re-upload the certificate and check the status.
If he still have issue, please open TAC ticket.
I've had a remote session on the customers Airwave device and sorted it out. The cert had been uploaded into the store as "Public cert" instead of "Server cert" so it is now available in the drop-down list for the group.