Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Changing RF EIRP min/max on MM

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 04:46 AM

    Changing the min and max on EIRP for RF, from 18/21 to 6/15, does it take affect straight away or do you have to wait until the next airmatch database update?


    I understand that its best to not change these values but we continue to experience wireless issues after upgrade from to (+ additional MM controller)


    And as i understand it, RF power is taken into account, whereas ARM is ignored. Is it best practice to manually update the power because you read in a lot of places to leave everything as default with ArubaOS8 on MM...


  • 2.  RE: Changing RF EIRP min/max on MM

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 05:49 AM

    - If you have an MM, you are using Airmatch and not ARM.

    - Transmit power range is regulated by "Transmit EIRP" in the radio profiles (Min and Max EIRP), not the ARM profiles for each band.

    - The Airmatch "solution" is run by default at 5am every morning to reflect the radio profile changes

    - For Airmatch to run  before 5am you need to run the "airmatch runnow" command:


    - It is perfectly normal and recommended to constrain the power on AP radios, just like you did with Min TX and Max TX power with ARM.

    - It is also perfectly normal and recommended to constrain the Max channel bandwidth and Min channel bandwidth in the 5ghz Radio Profile to 20 or 40, so that you are not running 80mhz channels.

  • 3.  RE: Changing RF EIRP min/max on MM

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 05:58 AM

    Thanks for the reply cjoseph.

    Does chaging the power take affect immediatly or after the next airmatch database update?

  • 4.  RE: Changing RF EIRP min/max on MM

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 06:07 AM

    At 5am.

  • 5.  RE: Changing RF EIRP min/max on MM

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 06:13 AM

    Final question on this one, i promise :-)

    Is that 5am local time on the MC or MM?


    We have all our controllers set to UTC time, globally that is...


  • 6.  RE: Changing RF EIRP min/max on MM
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 06:23 AM

    It will run based on the timezone on the MD (MC).  This can be overridden by configuring the Airmatch deploy-hour parameter https://www.arubanetworks.com/techdocs/ArubaOS_85_Web_Help/Content/arubaos-solutions/1cli-commands/airmatch-prof.htm?Highlight=deploy-hour