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  • 1.  Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 12, 2019 07:48 PM
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    Hi community,


    This is an excerpt of the "AirWave 8.2.7 Supported Infrastructure Devices" document:


    According to this, I see you can get a lot of info from third-party vendor devices. Does this info refer only to the devices included within the "Third-Party Vendor Devices" section? Because I have also seen other posts about this which says that for the devices which are not in the list, you can only get up/down status and some interface metrics, not more. For example:



    Attached the "AirWave 8.2.7 Supported Infrastructure Devices" document. My customer has APs Fortinet and Ruckus, so I guess I will only get up/down status and maybe interface metrics from them, but I will not be able to do configuration, firmware upgrades, see traffic applications, etc.

    Can you confirm please?


    Many thanks in advance,



  • 2.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 12, 2019 08:25 PM

    The supported device list depicts the devices that are supported in that particualr Airwave release. Airwave can monitor additional information for them instead of just up/down. E.g. You can add a supported Cisco WLC and Airwave will show you client count, CPU/memory utilziation, and so on.


    For devices that are not listed, you can always add them as a geenric SNMP device and Airwave will show general SNMP stats like Up/down/interface utilziation.

  • 3.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 13, 2019 10:13 AM

    Hi JayBee,


    Thanks for your interest on this. One more doubt about this. If we can get additional information for the supported device list and not only SNMP stats, is the communication between AirWave and these devices via AMON and not via SNMP?




  • 4.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 13, 2019 10:40 AM

    It uses SNMP protocol only, AMON is aruba proprietary protocol and it is supported in Aruba devices only.

  • 5.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 13, 2019 11:05 AM

    Hi Pavan,


    Thanks for the information. I didn't know AMON is Aruba propietary protocol. But if both the supported device list and the not supported devices use SNMP, how can the supported device list provide additional information?






  • 6.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 13, 2019 11:27 AM

    Its all depend on MIBs (Managment information Base) , every device which have snmp support will have MIBs.


    Default Airwave will have support of generical MIBs which is common across all snmp supported devices. We recommand to add non-supported devices as universal device because it uses this generical MIBs and get the limited network data.


    For supported devices, airwave will have all the  MIBs information of that particular device.


  • 7.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 13, 2019 01:27 PM

    Hi Pavan,


    OK, I also guessed it had to do with MIBs. Thanks for the confirmation :)




  • 8.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 20, 2019 06:32 PM

    By the way, it would be nice AirWave allows to import MIBs from 3rd party devices. This way AirWave would be much more multivendor, but this feature is not supported yet...


  • 9.  RE: Clarification about AirWave and third-party vendor devices

    Posted Mar 21, 2019 04:50 AM