Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 01:49 AM
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    I need a clarification on Instant setup of 3 IAP115.


    I have a network setup as diagram attached. I configured one of the IAP with virtual controller and AP ip address of I also configured the network profile for this IAP.


    Now I want to configure next 2 APs with AP ip address of and with virtual controller IP point to


    My question is do I still need to configure the network profile in those 2 APs? Or once both of them joined the cluster, the config will automatically push from


    I cant do a hands-on because the AP is at my customer site, that why I am asking here for clarification before I go down to my customer site.




  • 2.  RE: Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 02:23 AM



    As long as the IAPs are on the same native VLAN on the switch then the cofiguration will be pushed to the new APs (by the VC). 


    If you have not disabled the auto join feature then the new IAPs will automatically join the cluster.




  • 3.  RE: Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 02:41 AM

    Aaron, thanks for the feedback.

    Will try it out




  • 4.  RE: Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 02:56 AM

    1 more question, what if the main IAP goes down? will the rest of the IAP goes down as well?




  • 5.  RE: Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 03:04 AM



    When the IAP that is functioning as the Virtual Controller goes down, another IAP is automatically elected as a replacement VC. This new VC, takes over the VC IP and all VC functions. The rest of the network continues to function as normal.




  • 6.  RE: Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 03:23 AM

    Ok. My setup is all using static assigned IP, will the auto elect feature still functioning?

    I read on the user guide says that there are 3 way for master election:


    1. Preference to an IAP with 3G/4G Card (not applicable in my setup)

    2. Preference to an IAP with Non-Default IP (not so sure because I use static IP, is that mean the IAP already have default IP?)

    3. Manual Provisioning of Master IAP (If possible I want an auto elect function)


    Please help me to understand this.





  • 7.  RE: Clarification on IAP Cluster Configuration
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 22, 2014 03:31 AM



    The election process is the same regardless of how the IAPs obtain their IP addresses. Just make sure that you have assigned a VC IP in System>Admin. The VC IP address is the used to manage the IAP cluster (and to provide a few other VC functions).


    Unless you have selected an IAP to become the "Prefered Master", then the normal election process will be followed. If all models are the same and the 3G/4G is not applicable (as you say), then the IAP with the longest uptime will most likely take over as the master VC.


