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  • 1.  Clearpass 6.5 integration with Palo Alto Networks Firewall

    Posted May 26, 2015 03:51 PM

    Is there anything I can configure to eliminate the constant captive portal from Palo?  can this integration get the users creds from authenticating on the wireless and pass the infornation along to the firewall (and not need to captive portal the user)? and put the user into the respective URL Filtering group?

  • 2.  RE: Clearpass 6.5 integration with Palo Alto Networks Firewall

  • 3.  RE: Clearpass 6.5 integration with Palo Alto Networks Firewall

    Posted May 26, 2015 04:51 PM



    Post covers my 'advanced user-cases'..... you might want to start with the integration guide......

    ClearPass 6.X and PANW Integration V4




    I have a new version that is complete which has all the new 6.5 posture/health integration documented..... hope to get this posted in the next 24 hours.

  • 4.  RE: Clearpass 6.5 integration with Palo Alto Networks Firewall

    Posted May 26, 2015 04:55 PM

    I have already followed that guide and have the host-id identifier working.  thanks