I notice that the Bind user you have set in the Auth Source varies from the Bind attempt during authentication (using the allow bind using user password setting). Can you verify which DN is correct below? Notice the \ before the comma (used as an escape character preceding a comma in a DN). When the authentication is attempted, it is trying to Bind as the DN without the "\" which I believe is causing a problem (as that DN technically doesn't exist).
Bind user defined in auth source: CN=Garlin\, Robert,OU=Users,OU=..........,DC=edu (Omitted portions of the DN)
Authentication Bind as: CN=Garlin, Robert,OU=Users,OU=.............DC=edu (Omitted portions of the DN)
Can you try the following (not at the same time); testing after each.
1) Change the Bind username to user@domain.com format (UPN), making sure the NetBIOS name stays TUFTS
2) Remove the check for allow bind using user password
3) Try to bind as a different username (UPN format)