Thank you for sharing. I'm sure others will benefit from this
Some of the MDM vendors decided to change the way you connect and require some type of sever validation so that was added in later versions of 6.2 and 6.3

One other piece that you will start hearing a lot about that was added in 6.3 is Clearpass Exchange. I will try to do a post later on this week with a little bit more detail, but essentially it gives you free range to integrate with many different 3 party vendors instead of having to wait for us to add it to the latest release.
One example is that you will now have to ability not only to get info from the MDM providers, but you will also be able to send commands (PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE).
With Mobile Iron you will now be able to send a remote wipe or lock to the device if they violate some policy you have in place.