I'm trying to perform an API call to our Clearpass server to move users into roles based on the attribute "Disabled Reason". For example if "Disabled Reason" equals "RIAA" I would like to move them into the RIAA role where we would present the user with a splash page explaining the process that they must follow to re-establish service.
I have a call that works for moving the users status from "Known" to "Disabled" but need to expand on that to use the endpoint attributes. The working call is as follows:
<TipsApiRequest xmlns="http://www.avendasys.com/tipsapiDefs/1.0">
<TipsHeader version="3.0"/>
<Endpoint status="Unknown" macAddress="a088b4764054"/>
I exported one of the endpoints that I had manually configured RIAA as the Disabled Reason and got this:
<TipsHeader exportTime="Wed Aug 28 22:55:18 CDT 2013" version="6.2"/>
<Endpoint macAddress="1040f350d9d2" status="Unknown">
<EndpointTags tagName="Disabled Reason" tagValue="RIAA"/>
<TagDictionary allowMultiple="true" mandatory="false" dataType="String" attributeName="Disabled Reason" entityName="Endpoint"/>
Any ideas on how this call should be constructed?