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  • 1.  clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 05, 2014 02:59 PM



    we have aruba controller and cisco swithc 3560with 12.2(58) version

    i have done all wireless configuration its working good,and i have created posture for wireless connection als its working good


    i want to create wired authentication for our emoloyee on cisco switch,authentication via our dc


    and i dont want to install agent in our employee ps, i want the cisco switch to redirect them to onguard port and check ,


    i have created wired service and policy , in the policy i have created a profile with cisco dacl template that check if the user is [user auth] and [mac auth] he will get ip any any acl

    and another profile that chek for posture if its healthy

    if all this match he will get full access


    second rule:its check if the tips[user auth] and [mac auth],

    and if the posture not healthy


    i dont know which profile should i assign for the second rule,

    if the user authenticated but its not healthy i want cisco switch to rdirect him onguard without installing agent and check his pc,



    could you please tell me what configuration should i do on cisco and clearpass profile,


    note:i dont want to redirect him to another vlan,, i want to use Dacl attr


    thank you




  • 2.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 05, 2014 05:23 PM

    OK, just keep in mind that the posture token is cached for a certain amount of time and the user may have to be manually checked every time they reconnect. The user experience may be frustrating. Is this the behavior you want?

  • 3.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 05, 2014 09:03 PM

    yes iwa nt each time the user connect to network toc heck if its pc is healthy or not via wired connection on cisco switch,


    i have create a service , inside the service there is a policy, inside the policy there 2 rules

    first rule:

    tips role eq user auth

    & tips role machine auth

    & tips posture eq healthi

     assign cisco Dacl profile1 (radius cisco : cisco ip donwloadable acl : permit ip any any)

    *** here i need to know how to configure second profile for this rule to redirect him to unguard without installing the agent on his pc


    how can i do it?


     second rule:

    tips role eq user auth

    & tips role machine auth

    & tips posture not eq healthy

    assign cisco Dacl profile2 (radius cisco : cisco ip donwloadable acl : ?)

    here i need to assign profile that redirect a user to ungaurd portal also

    and i need to cach his crednt for the second connection


    how can i do it on clearpass and cisco switch?


    thank you

  • 4.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 05, 2014 10:47 PM

    You can do the following :


    2014-09-05 22_46_21-ClearPass Policy Manager - Aruba Networks.png

  • 5.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 05, 2014 10:53 PM

    Tthis has three user roles.










    Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 9.47.49 PM.png


    Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 9.51.44 PM.png

    Victor is correct. the easiest thing to do is send a acl with the redirect to the CP page. 

  • 6.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 06, 2014 06:34 AM

    should i add this profile cisco wired onguard with posture profile to the both rules?

    should i create web auth service also?


    url-redirect= is it onguard url  page?


    thank you




  • 7.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 06, 2014 06:51 AM

    here the policy and the profiles,,


    is that the right way?


    should i create or add another configuration?


    thank you

  • 8.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 06, 2014 09:02 AM

    What type of Agent are you using Persistent or Diss ?


    I think what you should do is send full access VLAN when it meets:

    - Machine Auth

    - User Auth

    - Healthy Posture


    2014-09-06 08_55_29-ClearPass Policy Manager - Aruba Networks.png


    And if the following criteria is:

    - Machine Auth

    - User

    - Not Healthy


    Then you send the Cisco AV Pair with the URL and ACL 

    The ACL on your switch should look like this :

    ip access-list extended <ACL NAME>
    deny tcp any host <ClearPass IP Address>
    permit tcp any any


    Make sure that you enable ip http server on your switch

  • 9.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 06, 2014 09:12 AM



    whenit meets

    user auth

    machin auth

    healthy psoture

    am sending Dacl (ip any any)

    i dont want to use vlan


    am using disov agent


    i have those services

    wirelss service

    web based auth service--->health check service

    wired cisco service

    mac caching service


    is that right ordering way?


    my wireless working good with posture and everything,

  • 10.  RE: clearpass cisco posture

    Posted Sep 06, 2014 06:58 PM
    That looks good