Looking for some guidance regarding the following situation:
We currently have a single publisher CP-VA-25K running v6.3.1.62009, and 5 recently spun up CP-VA-5K VMs that are v6.3.2.63239; these will be made subscribers. Our plan was to add these 5, then get rid of the 25K and make one of the 5Ks the publisher.
Initially, we were going to upgrade the 6.3.1 publicher to 6.3.2, then add the 5Ks, but I can't find a 6.3.2 AOS version for download other than the OVF, which is of course not what I want for the physical appliance. Are we are going to have to upgrade everything to a 6.4 version before we can create the cluster?
Any info is appreciated. Thanks.