Wireless Access

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  • 1.  ClearPass cluster publisher/subscriber mismatched versions

    Posted Nov 11, 2014 04:29 PM

    Looking for some guidance regarding the following situation:


    We currently have a single publisher CP-VA-25K running v6.3.1.62009, and 5 recently spun up   CP-VA-5K VMs that are v6.3.2.63239; these will be made subscribers.  Our plan was to add these 5, then get rid of the 25K and make one of the 5Ks the publisher.


    Initially, we were going to upgrade the 6.3.1 publicher to 6.3.2, then add the 5Ks, but I can't find a 6.3.2 AOS version for download other than the OVF, which is of course not what I want for the physical appliance.  Are we are going to have to upgrade everything to a 6.4 version before we can create the cluster?


    Any info is appreciated.  Thanks.







  • 2.  RE: ClearPass cluster publisher/subscriber mismatched versions

    Posted Nov 11, 2014 04:42 PM

    Nevermind, looks like I've found it.


    Nothing to see here, unless my cluster building process doesn't make sense.

  • 3.  RE: ClearPass cluster publisher/subscriber mismatched versions

    Posted Nov 11, 2014 07:20 PM

    If you are going to have 4 5K subscribers, you should consider leaving the 25k as the publisher as there will a substantial increase in load on the publisher with multiple subscribers.

  • 4.  RE: ClearPass cluster publisher/subscriber mismatched versions

    Posted Nov 12, 2014 10:23 AM

    In our situation, some combination of our wireless architect and a consultant decided that we were better off replacing the single 25K appliance with 5x 5K VMs.  I think that we are looking at using our F5 environment to distribute traffic across the cluster, but i don't know that that is finalized, will work as expected, or is even needed.


    Do client request always have to run through the publisher before being handed off to a subscriber?

  • 5.  RE: ClearPass cluster publisher/subscriber mismatched versions

    Posted Nov 12, 2014 10:29 AM

    No, all requests don't go through the publisher, but the publisher owns the database and uses significantly more resources than a subscriber.


    It is recommended to use a larger publisher when using multiple subscibers.