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  • 1.  ClearPass Cluster Upgrade Tool

    Posted Nov 02, 2014 12:25 AM

    Hello all,


    The ClearPass Cluster Upgrade Tool is now available. This tool is available for download from the support site ( at these locations.



    The Cluster Upgrade Tool is a simple user interface that automates the upgrade procedure for a ClearPass cluster. When the upgrade is initiated, no manual actions are required until all selected nodes have been upgraded. This tool can be used to upgrade ClearPass 6.2 and ClearPass 6.3 systems to 6.4.0  Please review the attached Release Notes and the Tech Notes for this Tool.


  • 2.  RE: ClearPass Cluster Upgrade Tool

    Posted Nov 04, 2014 02:26 PM

    I see that this is only to upgrade to 6.4.0. Is there any way to go directly to 6.4.1, or must we use this tool to get the cluster to 6.4.0 and then apply the patch 1 manually per box?

  • 3.  RE: ClearPass Cluster Upgrade Tool

    Posted May 26, 2015 04:48 AM

    The tech note ( which I found after I started the upgrade, as the release notes point you to somewhere that doesn't actually have the tech note) says that "....where possble  subscribers are upgraded in parallel...". I've just fired up the upgrade tool for 6.4 -> 6.5 and selected both the master and all the subscribers. I'm currently waiting for the master publisher to come back before upgrade of the secondaries starts.


    I have to say that having a default of upgrading all secondaries in parallel is, I think a bad idea. Granted if you read the tech note, you'll just upgrade some of the secondaries at a time. Hoerver, like me, some people are going to select everything and click upgrade. Luckily I've still got our old AAA solution as a backup so if all our secondaries do go down at the same time auths will fail over to the old solution..... I'm waiting with baited breath .......


    Perhaps a dialogue box saying that all the secondaries will (possibly) restart at the same time might be in order ?

    Or a user selectable option to let you decide whether to upgrade secondaries 1 at a time or all at once.



