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ClearPass Essentials course now available

This thread has been viewed 19 times
  • 1.  ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted May 03, 2013 01:40 PM
    I wanted to take a moment to announce that the ClearPass Essentials course is now available to employees, customers, and partners.
    This course replaces the current CP Bootcamp and is based on ClearPass 6.0.  It consists of lecture materials in the form of self-paced on-demand elearning modules and a 5 half-day (20 hours) virtual lab course.  The cost is $2,100 and is on the April price list as EDU-CP-E.  Localization will follow as quickly as we can.
    The lab course will be available in late June.  The lab will be delivered in a virtual training format where the students will use a RAP or VIA to access the equipment and an instructor will be with them via webinar to offer recap lectures and to answer any questions.  Students will be required to have completed the elearning modules before registering for the lab.
    The way this will work is that students will register on the LMS for the elearning modules and pay $2,100 either by credit card on the website or through their normal product channel.  Once they have completed all the elearning they can then register for the lab course for free.
    Customers and Employees go here: and click on the "Schedules" link.  
    Partners need to log into Partner Center and access the LMS through there to get their 50% discount.  Once they are in the LMS, click the Tracks button, then the Access Management link to get to the CP-E course.
    Huge thanks to Kevin Hamilton and team for getting this out.  This is a huge change in the way we deliver training so please send us feedback good or bad.
    Additional info...
    The Aruba Certified ClearPass Professional (ACCP) 6.0 exam will be available in mid-August.
    Additionally, we will be offering an Advanced Workshop in the mid-August timeframe.  This course will be modeled after the partner workshops that ACE and Austin's team have been running the last couple months.  Students will be given a stack of gear (including Cisco wired and wireless gear in addition to Aruba wired and wireless gear) and a customer scenario and will perform a complete CP deployment.  This course will also be delivered in the virtual format over 5 full days.  Pricing has not been finalized but expect $2,500.
    Following the release of ClearPass 6.2 and Workspace at the end of July we will be updating the Essentials, ACCP, and Advanced Workshop courses to 6.2.  One benefit of the elearning model is that students who sign up for CP 6.0 training will be able to access the 6.2 modules when they are released.
    Following the 6.2 release we will be updating the ACCP exam and also building instructor-led lecture slides for use by our Authorized Training Partners and if a customer wants us to come on-site to deliver the course.
    This will become our new training model and AOS training will get the same treatment later this summer with the ArubaOS 6.3 update.
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • 2.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted May 04, 2013 12:00 AM

    Hello Christopher

    Are the labs will be always free as long as you buy the clearpass Essential course? or its like a promo?




  • 3.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted May 04, 2013 12:34 AM

    It's a single lab session.  Think of it this way...  We took the 5-day CP Bootcamp, moved the 12 hours of lecture to videos, and left the 20 hours as an instructor-led lab session.  So the lab will be scheduled like any other instructor-led training and you only get the one lab session as part of the course fee.

  • 4.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Jul 25, 2013 04:27 AM
    Hi, We are looking for classroom training for CPPM 6.0 or 6.1. Is it available if yes where and provide the contact information and if not please let us know when it will be available.

  • 5.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Jul 25, 2013 10:55 PM
    Hi Mazam, for our clearpass e-learning and remote lab training, you can go to this link and search for the Clearpass Essentials e-learning and Clearpass Essentials Virtual Lab

    For classroom training, this will be later this year

  • 6.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Aug 27, 2013 05:24 PM

    Is there a timetable on when to take the lab after completing the e-learning?  I completed the elearning, however, I have scheduling conflicts for the last 2 sessions of the CP virtual lab.  Will I be able to take the Virtual lab when new sessions are announced?  I assume the answer is yes, but just making sure.

  • 7.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Aug 28, 2013 06:07 PM

    Yes.  There's no time limit.

  • 8.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Mar 31, 2014 09:15 AM

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,


    When is the ClearPass Essentials and Lab going to be in a classroom boot camp environment.  I really need the dedicated time.  Otherwise, this will never get done.  I saw that it was supposed to be later in the year, and the post was 8/2013.  Is there any update? 

  • 9.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Jun 10, 2015 06:57 AM

    Dear Sir


    is this videos online and i can watch any time and download it for later review

    or it is virtual session with instructore so i have to attned it at the speciedf time and cannot review it again 

    i also want to ask about the exam vouchere as it is not mnetioned at the course clarification

  • 10.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Jan 18, 2014 11:49 AM

    Hello,  is there a voucher to take the exam after you completed the course requirement?

  • 11.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Jan 24, 2014 02:28 PM

    Yes, you will receive a voucher for the ACCP exam when you sign up for the CP-E Lab session (it will come in your student guide).

  • 12.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Mar 18, 2014 10:36 AM

    Hello Christopher,


    I'm interested in this training, do you know if after that I can go for the ClearPass Advanced Labs?





  • 13.  RE: ClearPass Essentials course now available

    Posted Mar 21, 2014 06:03 PM

    Yes.  The pre-requisite for the CP Advanced Lab is either attending ClearPass Essentials or passing ACCP.