Sorry this is a bit long winded ...
I'm looking at tailoring the mac_create clearpass guest form for our users. Basically and end user just needs to
1). Enter a name for their device
2). Enter the mac address of their device
3). Select a device type from a drop down list
3a). Based upon what they've selected in 3, display the airgroup_shared_user field if appropriate
4). Accept Terms and Conditions
5). Click submit
So I duplicated the mac_create form and then modified the fields I didn't want to be seen to be "hidden" and where appropriate set their inital values to what I wanted as their defaults.
This all worked except of course the fields were now changed from their original values so if i go into mac_edit I now get my new settings instead of the originl ones. ... not what I wanted I wanted mac_edir to see the original settings.
Next step was to duplicate the fields I wanted to have different default values and use them in my mac_create_2 form. Basically I took a field and created an equivalent one with UoY_ at the beginning.
Again this worked and my mac_create looked as I wanted and didn't generate any errors
The only problem of course is that the hidden (new) default settings aren't assigned to the original field names, they're assigned to "UoY_<original_field_name>
What I'd like is to have the original field name with my new setting i.e. take an instance of a field so that within a form the "standard" field name has a different value. e.g. the airgroup_shared field lets you select a device to be personal or shared. In my mac_create form I want it to default to personal and hidden, that way anywhere else in clearpass has airgroup_shared set to an appropriate value and I don't have to go and make sure I'm using UoY_airgroup_shared
Is this doable ?