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  • 1.  ClearPass Guest session limit and lifetime problem

    Posted May 25, 2023 09:51 AM
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    Hi all

    We are using Aruba Central for guest captive portal and ClearPass for the Radius server. 

    I created some guest account in ClearPass Guest with lifetime and session limit. 

    I purpose that when the user login with the guest account, ClearPass would count the session to prevent the session is over the limit, and the expire time should be updated with the lifetime.

    What should I do to make this work? Is it configured on enforcement Polices? How should I configure?

  • 2.  RE: ClearPass Guest session limit and lifetime problem

    Posted May 31, 2023 07:30 AM
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    Are you trying to have the guest account expire at a certain time or day? Or a certain period after it has been created?
    When you say session limit, do you mean the number of devices that can login with that account concurrently?

    I use expire_time for the purpose of disabling accounts at a specific time:

    This is the value used 'out of the box' with the 'Guest Authentication with MAC Caching' service template.

  • 3.  RE: ClearPass Guest session limit and lifetime problem

    Posted Jun 28, 2023 04:31 AM
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    Duplicate question

    Herman Robers
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