I am trying to setup a captive portal with sponsoring. I can search users in my AD based on a LDAP filter and choose users, but when I try to register, it get back to the same page saying Sponsor email:"Parameter must be a string"
Below is my sponsor_lookup form(select2 options)
placeholder = (Type the email of your sponsor)
maximumSelectionSize = 2
minimumInputLength = 2
_advancedRender = 1
ajax.dataType = sajax
ajax.url = NwaLdapSponsorUserSearchAjax
ajax.args.server = AUTHSERVER
ajax.quietMillis = 500
Below is my Authentication Server
# Match users in any of these groups
# Match users by any of these criteria
Display attribute
#sAMAccountName = id
displayName = text
# title = desc
#userPrincipalName = desc
mail = desc
Attribute mapping
#sponsor_name | cn
#sponsor_email | mail
sponsor_lookup | mail
What am I doing wrong?