Hey All,
I am new to the forum and looking for some support if possible.
We have a Combination of technologies which I am trying to get to play nice. The Infrastructure is a combination of Cisco Meraki APs, Palo Alto Firewall & Clearpass CPPM 6.7.2.
We have a mixed Environment of Windows & macOS.
The CPPM was setup by a third party who has been of no help in regards to our environment.
Currently I have a secondary SSID Configured to talk to a NAP Server running locally and basically we bypass all CPPM functions.
I would like to have the macOS Devices function correctly on the CPPM Environment.
I have tried the guide on configuring JAMF w/ CPPM SCEP, but the profile fails and doesn't seem to be updated for the latest JAMF Pro Version (Or atleast what I can find).
Student Network - VLAN201
Staff Network - VLAN202
IT Network - VLAN105
Goal is to have all the devices function on a single SSID and their Network Access Determined with AD Groups.
Staff Machines are AD Joined.
Student Devices are BYOD.
While the system 'works'. there are some issues.
iPhones refuse to connect, and when they do the credentials are not parsed correctly to the Palo Alto.
All Windows Machines function fine. macOS Devices do not, I believe this is due to us not using the inbuilt AD mechanisms.
CPPM is Pulling all data from the JAMF Server via its Context Endpoint Configuration.
If anyone can help me resolve this, I would be greatful.