Trying to do wired mac auth.
Using a source "wired mac auth"with in that source a static host list (SHL).
One of the SHL is a regex that matches any mac oui 00:08:5d (the mac oui for the phones)
Another SHL will be a regex for Wyse terminals matching 00:80:64
Another SHL....
Now I would like to just use the SHL itself to say put this device in the voip or wyse vlan rather than creating a seperate source with 1 SHL in it for each category.
So your idea "(Radius:IETF:Called-Station-Id BELONGS_TO_GROUP Astra Voip Phones (no delimiter)) -> set role wired-vlan-(voip)" does not result in that authentication getting that role.
in short:
authentication source: wired mac
uses SHL Astra Voip Phones (no delimiter)
Static host list: Astra Voip Phones (no delimiter)
uses regex 00085d(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}){2}(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}) to match mac addresses
I can get it working by creating a different authentication source with a unique SHL in each. I would have liked to be able to use 1 auth source with multiplbe SHL in it and then verify what SHL matched the mac address to assign a role and enforce a vlan.