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  • 1.  Clearpass showing lower disk size

    Posted May 06, 2020 11:46 PM

    Hi all,


    i've got an install of CPP 6.8 which is reporting only half the disk space from CLI. Is this a bug? 


    Customer deployed with 1 TB disk but when i run show system-resources from CLI i get this




  • 2.  RE: Clearpass showing lower disk size

  • 3.  RE: Clearpass showing lower disk size

    Posted May 07, 2020 12:23 AM

    I get that it splits to 1TB into 2 X 500G but surely this command should report total usage as it isn't really useful as a validation tool if it reports the wrong data. 


    In the current form every installation would fail this validation check. 


    I'd expect this command to output total virtual disk size rather than just the one partition. 

  • 4.  RE: Clearpass showing lower disk size

    Posted May 07, 2020 12:34 AM

    ClearPass contains two partitions (primary and backup) of 2x500GB.


    But i believe the cli should show you the disksize and not the partition size. What in see in some early releases of 6.8.


    What do you see in the webgui under monitoring? And what release of 6.8 are you using?


  • 5.  RE: Clearpass showing lower disk size

    Posted May 07, 2020 01:54 AM

    GUI shows the 488 GB but thats what i'd expect to see. 


  • 6.  RE: Clearpass showing lower disk size

    Posted May 07, 2020 02:07 AM

    Thats correct,


    sounds like a bug i early see in 6.8.0.


    I would recommend never run a major release without patches (.0) in production.


    Update your ClearPass appliance 6.8.0 to 6.8.5.