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ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

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  • 1.  ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Nov 21, 2023 11:25 AM


    From a very basic level, I am trying to get ClearPass SSO to work with Google G Suite. I've followed a couple guides (links below). For now, I am just trying to get admin authentication to work with ClearPass before I get more adventurous with user auth or web logins. 


    Basic custom SAML app in Google. The certificate was downloaded and I am pointing CPPM's SSO config to the below ACS. Notice also that the user access is ON for everyone. 

    I have this URL in the ClearPass SSO config (will show later). 

    More details. I checked the Signed response checkbox, following the guides.

    Notice all the settings and how they're following the guides. 

    And in case this matters (I don't think it does yet considering that I see nothing in Event Viewer or Access tracker regarding this login) here's my service config. Very barebones. 

    Now, when I navigate to ClearPass guest, I get redirected to Google's Account Chooser. AWESOME! I click on the account associated with the G Suite account and this is what it returns. 

    Weird. I navigate back to Google and the SAML tab. I click on TEST SAML LOGIN. This is the result.

    What am I missing here? 


  • 2.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 17, 2024 02:12 AM

    Hi, have you enabled the app for the  in google workspace? At least the first error from google indicates this. 

    Florian Baaske
    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba Networks.
    Also visit the AirHeads Youtube Channel:
    Feel free to visit my personal Blog

  • 3.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 17, 2024 09:50 AM

    Yes, it's enabled. 

  • 4.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 17, 2024 04:25 PM

    Can you also check if the host name and fqdn of the ClearPass server has the same entry and reflects your dns name? 
    both should be

    Florian Baaske
    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba Networks.
    Also visit the AirHeads Youtube Channel:
    Feel free to visit my personal Blog

  • 5.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 17, 2024 07:53 PM

    Yes, DNS matches the FQDN and the SAML app is pointing to the FQDN correctly.

  • 6.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 18, 2024 03:34 AM

    Can you check with a saml tracer (browser plugin) if the information exchanged are correct? 

    Florian Baaske
    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba Networks.
    Also visit the AirHeads Youtube Channel:
    Feel free to visit my personal Blog

  • 7.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 18, 2024 11:18 AM

    Is any of this helpful information? See attached too

    This is the contents of the last one that's red:

    GET HTTP/1.1 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 DNT: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7 X-Chrome-ID-Consistency-Request: version=1,,device_id=7d5250bf-f5b9-4f95-b9df-aeee7dcf2565,sync_account_id=116556480131613263487,signin_mode=all_accounts,signout_mode=show_confirmation X-Client-Data: CIi2yQEIprbJAQipncoBCPLbygEIlaHLAQiFoM0BCLOFzgEI8IfOARizqcoBGPbJzQEYmPXNARjS/s0BGNiGzgEY642lFw== Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate Sec-Fetch-User: ?1 Sec-Fetch-Dest: document sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="123", "Not:A-Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="123" sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0 sec-ch-ua-full-version: "123.0.6312.123" sec-ch-ua-arch: "x86" sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows" sec-ch-ua-platform-version: "15.0.0" sec-ch-ua-model: "" sec-ch-ua-bitness: "64" sec-ch-ua-wow64: ?0 sec-ch-ua-full-version-list: "Google Chrome";v="123.0.6312.123", "Not:A-Brand";v="", "Chromium";v="123.0.6312.123" Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 Cookie: SMSV=ADHTe-A2xbLttaM90RJI7qCP4AeTlwD70XxYjw67V89yxQXomdxPz82XST9YzsmCOMsfHfzMXadPbCm7fSe_FQXfZR928jXfS3KdaihcTglFonZP8lhN9Wj_WQ-SA8-r76vbV2qWYFQhwSHoThlZFldgswwjOgqR5pAJG2NqsmgiNgC8t6XHi8z10BM_nIc7p54sdcxxcCp2; LSOLH=_SVI_ENfToNDlyoQDGA8iP01BRURIZl9xRVB6SDZ6N3VUdUF2Yk45bFUzeVF1bXRxbklkOEprVWd2Z1c1NU0tYlVFOENvWVJ4NVh0MmlWbw_:28483547:fbfd; OTZ=7479135_76_80_104160_76_446820; SEARCH_SAMESITE=CgQI3poB; ACCOUNT_CHOOSER=AFx_qI6Jl0PaFmsc0H0SOG6UnfvATxobB9UpKLK5_xoMcQGpjeeFTO1EOzNBAqzKVHgKkUk-jaVf0_MFXqVWuQKPI4gX_EhrP-ueuvLrz8MyPT1z4fbp2PBgQrlPwn8IhLwEiv1U7VY6LQSb17MZH44Tu-iXfPZI68BN4qKhcST_orj-TgGDPbDm4G0Mv4ZIQbC10i8tZbxL9Z8GMdN9UJP1SXDeCdZrrMoedxVsJ58gx98jVgeKhyEqip1ztdoYJVbuWu4FcBdWwFAuQcDGkDnzU0LolEY93XTx6Fu6yMytvf9fwLKR4gCVlHFAz_TdqX-my8H5YjPZgNsSTOKAf2EfjRzNAccjXHLbjCu5LulRVhVFqd40IWirfhkaPbcg0GBNkkMJCx3B7l6LaFQrJcrzcHwCQ3rbAA; user_id=116556480131613263487; SID=g.a000iggbzvbiQygCuqYOKEKZUXq7Qh20DkHPLqd70nz-_ce29nrn4x3vcrKTYxOO1yHYbeJzLQACgYKAQ8SAQASFQHGX2MixdMEBAETS6pf2Z9Yx4XJTBoVAUF8yKqg2Me28eNlzxQus5Y4rMlG0076; __Secure-1PSID=g.a000iggbzvbiQygCuqYOKEKZUXq7Qh20DkHPLqd70nz-_ce29nrnGHa1ncRado4kzfLDN4EWWgACgYKAcYSAQASFQHGX2MiCQxA-l4b13pQSQqqwAJHEhoVAUF8yKrMnZBBtrHJULMRSN_fpW9S0076; __Secure-3PSID=g.a000iggbzvbiQygCuqYOKEKZUXq7Qh20DkHPLqd70nz-_ce29nrn6jBiqsPCuQ86RMpdYxQETgACgYKAakSAQASFQHGX2MioJkzHGuwogzN27vnc7Mc3xoVAUF8yKrsLzNp69GQ-asPeWHOaxWH0076;||||||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||||||; HSID=A1fGqgZV8FrXL9-aD; SSID=AeKvcannXg-Q-0o1v; APISID=Zbj9yGSSMj5DpQ2F/AMri-L3GviyAm14hv; SAPISID=6n6KQKe3bSE042uE/AdRlOfbO-PuVwDBJC; __Secure-1PAPISID=6n6KQKe3bSE042uE/AdRlOfbO-PuVwDBJC; __Secure-3PAPISID=6n6KQKe3bSE042uE/AdRlOfbO-PuVwDBJC; NID=513=NY5ZluNzq6NXzHI949yC0lP0Ac_grXaxIjD3-PzEdVHfjk4RHTN8eI3fmamJvpDy3nntvyJygqAd0lSisYwdEsrT0-gTKpMMa4t2lIzAr5mhsefA06xawxaJw8foi3Ei0vg3y0H3yL4ExPtWQMlH0Ni9j00srHvSt6JR2yxUEw6yA1bTW2Tg_DQaGQhKd228fu0-NCH84bTuluPCGLKN5FSSG9FLbOgbC1l032FmwP3J-RyfxjoUqvfmnP60R0AuOXU9lnBlHp1LiElnB9YF85D2JlEw1BCIGEV17oZ9sLWBuM6IKm8LBIm_kL-P4ylBy0DTD9paGFfdW-ZFsR8zBjiMgSlUyr-SG0rt4sOyVEwxT2nsnDZbv8tiu9Fv5GuuxXFUk7i9l-MylxD4u9kd-xbehD0WCadASsm_c_8vIlNIRQmqmUV0xTzQTlVgkIFBsIRrYMHHZaM9QJjtTFgw2ZqTUjN-5kmsZlCTHoGgYJoSBr6P86d7R13sxrrWqxnTmM00chcjhwkxGbN1uG-TG8puXvkIGKBq3m4daI0YT01xx53CbBGjvw; AEC=AQTF6Hw9Zh9fO-IXJ3mAAiFKLgN8AXAeikCsGVS-MGO7fn5SYzDkeKFp4fo; __Secure-1PSIDTS=sidts-CjIB7F1E_CRMKb3QsrBc_OnovOI_YS9CR-H0Kn92MuMtWNAFREbLvXnjPu_pTQ06cGvPGxAA; __Secure-3PSIDTS=sidts-CjIB7F1E_CRMKb3QsrBc_OnovOI_YS9CR-H0Kn92MuMtWNAFREbLvXnjPu_pTQ06cGvPGxAA; __Host-GAPS=1:X0EsxcOxb9rDRcmELds84RSQe4F9lhUGUMfBe_Yq0CFG_oVY7x-9rVUjx7ggXT7sAP74ROgnPGDunsyx3-NFYaKa0YOZ8sbLscYRgMJSu-pB-g:Mma65pp1GuGAqNmG; SIDCC=AKEyXzXgswRIFSvtRsbbKSWNX-Bw_CLWHJDgPPjVjEYpLJTdOZSXqTkMY9cJD_JSfxjsC80AjvE; __Secure-1PSIDCC=AKEyXzVNV1lDRAW_gh7WZ-3pbYHFE61OBegW0ix5LgOEZUFUjommvK6R7eOvwMAnyCM-zyYfCWw; __Secure-3PSIDCC=AKEyXzUiQBJ9YlZxuDI32pWDwtZzWLJIpFKEPyPyrixP69Pwax_U14yzfNnoekiiK7-zgIJtyhb-
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  • 8.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 29, 2024 08:06 AM


    I deployed SSO with Google Workspace using SAML and Social Login (API) in ClearPass Guest. Both worked properly and it is still in use at my customer production. I've documented all the configuration steps including Google side.

    Did you configure allowlist on the NAD side? You can find allowlists for cloud integrations:

    -Tuna AKYOL

  • 9.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Apr 29, 2024 11:01 AM

    That shouldn't be an issue since I'm wired with no ACL's. My CPPM VM is directly connected. My firewall right now pretty much has an allow all to the outside from the inside. I could see how allow listing those would be needed for captive portal since those are on pretty restricted roles. 

  • 10.  RE: ClearPass SSO With Google Workspace using SAML - RelayState missing/invalid

    Posted Oct 25, 2024 10:50 AM

    I'll probably have to deploy this setup in the future. Is your documentation publicly available? Thank you.