Good morning everyone,
I configured ClearPass to integrate with an existing AirWatch solution. I tried configuring a condition in Role Mapping that would verify the device had checked in to AirWatch in the past 3 days from that authentication.
I went to Time Source and copied the "now_plus_1day" attribute and modified it as follows:
Now Plus 1 Day
SELECT (EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM NOW() + interval '1 days'))::int AS now_plus_1day;
Now Minus 3 Days
SELECT (EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM NOW() - interval '3 days'))::int AS now_minus_3days;
I also updated the Name and Alias to match. I left the Data Type as Integer.
When an authentication comes through, the access tracker logs show the entry as a string of numbers and not a date/time stamp. The Last Checked In for AirWatch in the logs is a date/time stamp. Due to this it is not interpreting it the way it should and we are getting an "out of compliance" role instead of "airwatch-valid" role.
Any recommendations or anything I missed to accomplish this? Would anyone have a working example?
Thank you.