And that part I get but is not what I want to achieve..
! selfreg portal needs to have another set of roles that the user can subscribe to than the other.
Per default [Guest Roles] is the rolemapping used for this.
This mapping goes as follows:
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 1) [Contractor]
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 2) [Guest]
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 3) [Employee]
So selfreg users can 'choose' one of those 3 roles. The Role ID field will look at /guest > Administration » Plugin Manager > ClearPass Guest. to know it needs to map the values in the Role ID field with those names.
My idea was to use that role mapping for one service and the mapping below for a different service and keep them completely seperated.
[My Roles] is mapped as follows:
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 1) captain
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 2) lieutenant
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 3) cannon fodder
The problem is that the Role ID field always looks at what is configured in /guest > Administration » Plugin Manager > ClearPass Guest and I was hoping there was a way to copy the Role ID field and have it points to My Roles rolemapping.
I guess I won't be able to do that and will have to use a single rolemapping which has all 6 roles and then limit the values that can be selected from this rolemapping per service used with the validator arguments or something.
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 1) [Contractor]
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 2) [Guest]
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 3) [Employee]
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 4) captain
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 5) lieutenant
(GuestUser:[Role ID] EQUALS 6) cannon fodder