Network Management

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  • 1.  Clearpass wired access control & Airwave

    Posted May 09, 2018 11:30 AM

    We have just started piloting the use of CP for Wired NAC and wondered how I got about viewing auth info in Airwave, assuming its possible?  Id like to be able to search for a username, and see which NAD and interface they are connected to.  I can see this info in CP, but its a bit clunky...


    Also wonder if it is of any additonal benefit to monitor our cisco switches which we can add in as part of a slow rollout following the pilot.  Will this provide any additional insight wihen combined with the above?


    Ive just added CPPM into Airwave via SNMP, but it is very basic monitoring.



  • 2.  RE: Clearpass wired access control & Airwave

    Posted May 09, 2018 12:00 PM

    Yeah, it's not much currently.  Deeper integration of CPPM and AirWave is something we've had on the roadmap for a while.  Forwarding this along internally.

  • 3.  RE: Clearpass wired access control & Airwave

    Posted May 10, 2018 04:22 AM

    So at the moment, theres not way to use Airwave to search for users on the wired network?  


    Would adding our access switches bring anything to the table?



  • 4.  RE: Clearpass wired access control & Airwave

    Posted May 10, 2018 10:42 AM

    If you have a switch, port is untrusted, and the wired client has to go through 802.1x auth, then AirWave would show the client.  Trusted port traffic goes w/o auth.


    There's no way for AirWave to access CPPM data, so the data has to come from switch, controller (controller is the communication point since thin APs don't retain the data), or IAP.


    The other benefit to adding switches is that you'd be able to track if anyone introduces a rogue element into the network - if the device is detected, AirWave tries to show the path to the rogue, so it's either you add edge switches, or you can add the complete tree (you'd also be able to see more in Topology view).