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  • 1.  Clearpass with Aruba Gear vs Clearpass Cisco Gear

    Posted Aug 12, 2014 10:15 PM


    Is there any table in which it will tell me something like


    With Aruba Gear you will be able to do this, this and this with clearpass

    With Cisco Gear you will not be able to do this and this but you will be able to do this and this and this?


    Im asking this reagarding switches and WLAN solution


    I think i remenber reading that somewhere... but i cannot find it :(




  • 2.  RE: Clearpass with Aruba Gear vs Clearpass Cisco Gear

    Posted Aug 12, 2014 11:49 PM

    I am not aware of any real table, but ClearPass will support whatever the device/vendor supports.   It is not a matter of ClearPass supporting or favoring one vendor over another.  If the vendor can do XYZ ClearPass can work with it.  If the vendor supports ABC; then ClearPass can work with that vendor. 


    I know now the answer you were looking for, but because CPPM is a multi-vendor authenticator, we truly support whatever the vendor publically promotes (ie. RADIUS dictionaries).


    If anyone knows of such a table, please share with Carlos.

  • 3.  RE: Clearpass with Aruba Gear vs Clearpass Cisco Gear

    Posted Aug 13, 2014 12:56 AM
    So like clembo said the device has to support what you want to do. A good place to look is this chart from ISE. for the cisco solution.

    This shows many features with cisco switches. I'm in a environment with multiple vendors and well tell you really need to figure out what you want to do. Then figure out how to do that. There are so many ways to accomplish things. Funding will usually be a big factor in your choice.

    If there was a true chart out there I think you could always find a way to work-around the problem.

    If you place a chart with your fears here and the devices you have or are planning to get I'm sure the community could let you know and point you in the correct direction.