Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Client L3 termination in clustered controller environment (8.5)

    Posted Jun 04, 2020 10:44 AM

    We have two MCs with a MM running 8.5. We currently terminate user traffic on a L3 switch with SVIs. If instead we terminated user VLANs on the MCs, would this negatively impact user mobility between MCs (or have other unintended consequences)?  I assume we would split user subnets in half - one for each MC.  With the UAC (User Anchor Controller) concept, I understand that users tend to stick to a certain MC unless something goes wrong.  I expect we would have to be mindful of firewall rules managing traffic between user subnets, but is there anything else to keep in mind?       

  • 2.  RE: Client L3 termination in clustered controller environment (8.5)

    Posted Jun 04, 2020 10:55 AM

    You'd need to consider if the AP fails over to another MC and the client has to re-ip as it is now in a different L3 segment. How would the application on the machine handle this? If the MC are L2 connected, there would not be a requirement for the client to re-ip.

  • 3.  RE: Client L3 termination in clustered controller environment (8.5)

    Posted Jun 04, 2020 11:01 AM

    My current impression is that AP failover is independent from client failover; that's how clients can roam between APs on different MCs.  User traffic is tunneled back to the UAC.


    Based on this link:



    Am I mistaken?