I can´t get the solution of this case:
Clients using mobile phones are unable to reconnect to the corporate or guest SSID but the session remains active without being connected.
The customer close the session via CLI or Webui when the mobile can not connect, then , the mobile can connect.
This only affects all types of mobile and affects to all roles.
i need a help :(
Im speak spanish.. sorry for my english.
the detail:
show version
Aruba Operating System Software.
ArubaOS (MODEL: Aruba3200), Version
questions that can help you:
Ø Does all the clients are facing this issue or with specific OS ( Android , I phone , windows based phone ) ? .
Yes, we have tried with Android (diferent versions from 2.3.6 to 4.4.2), iPad and Windows Phone…
Ø Is it a new set-up or an existing set-up ?
This problem occurs from initial setup and year ago… but is now when we want include Smartphone/devices in our wifi-network
Ø Was it working fine in the past (from the time of installation) ?
Ø How long are you facing the issue ?
One year ago… but its really now when we have checking it.
Ø Are we facing the issue with a specific location / AP ?
No, we have two sites with two independent controllers and same or similarly config. And both of them we have the problem.
Ø Are you trying to reconnect after disconnecting at the same location or moving to a different location ( Roaming Client )
Yes… really here is the problem. If I move over coverage zone, I have not any problem. But if I disconnect manually or I move to zone without coverage, when I try connect again I can’t connect.
Ø Also please provide us the output by executing the command # show ap association client-mac < client mac address >
PTMAruba) #show ap association client-mac cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29
The phy column shows client's operational capabilities for current association
Flags: A: Active, B: Band Steerable, H: Hotspot(802.11u) client, K: 802.11K client, R: 802.11R client, W: WMM client, w: 802.11w client
PHY Details: HT : High throughput; 20: 20MHz; 40: 40MHz
VHT : Very High throughput; 80: 80MHz; 160: 160MHz; 80p80: 80MHz + 80MHz
<n>ss: <n> spatial streams
Association Table
Name bssid mac auth assoc aid l-int essid vlan-id tunnel-id phy assoc. time num assoc Flags Band steer moves (T/S)
---- ----- --- ---- ----- --- ----- ----- ------- --------- --- ----------- --------- ----- ----------------------
AP-Sistemas 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29 y y 1 10 gmvstaff 56 0x1010b a-HT-40sgi-1ss 22s 1 WAB 8/6
cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29-6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c Stats
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Channel 60
Channel Frame Retry Rate(%) 0
Channel Frame Low Speed Rate(%) 0
Channel Frame Non Unicast Rate(%) 0
Channel Frame Fragmentation Rate(%) 0
Channel Frame Error Rate(%) 0
Channel Bandwidth Rate(kbps) 0
Channel Noise 93
Client Frame Retry Rate(%) 0
Client Frame Low Speed Rate(%) 0
Client Frame Non Unicast Rate(%) 0
Client Frame Fragmentation Rate(%) 0
Client Frame Receive Error Rate(%) 0
Client Bandwidth Rate(kbps) 0
Client Tx Packets 14
Client Rx Packets 2
Client Tx Bytes 1725
Client Rx Bytes 169
Client SNR 21
Ø #show ap remote debug mgmt-frame ap-name < name of the ap >
(PTMAruba) #show ap remote debug mgmt-frames ap-name AP-Sistemas | include cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29
Mar 3 15:09:37 deauth 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 15 - (internal only)
Mar 3 15:09:19 disassoc cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 60 STA has left and is disassociated
Mar 3 15:08:20 assoc-resp 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 15 Success
Mar 3 15:08:20 assoc-req cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 34 -
Mar 3 15:08:20 auth 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c cc:fa:00:a6:cd:29 6c:f3:7f:29:77:1c 15 Success (seq num 2098)
Ø #show aaa timer
(PTMAruba) #show aaa timers
Global User idle timeout = 3600 seconds
Auth Server dead time = 10 minutes
Logon user lifetime = 5 minutes
User Interim stats frequency = 600 seconds
Why that might happen??
i attached the log when this occur
Timeout mobile IP? timeout session role? timeout AAA? i don´t know... :( i have tech support.
Thank you very much!!