Network Management

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  • 1.  Cold start on the device- Opstion to this massage?

    Posted Nov 27, 2018 02:06 AM

    hello word! 

    i get massge from imc that my switch in my network get "Cold start on the device", but in my case there no was a problam in L1 or electric power, i check tranciverpower and its ok, can someone  meet this case ever? 

    *Uptime is correct to the case (when i get this massage) 

    Thanks for help .


  • 2.  RE: Cold start on the device- Opstion to this massage?

    Posted Nov 27, 2018 05:06 AM

    The standard "Cold start" enterprise trap is usually also generated if you just restart the SNMP agent of the device.

    Could it be the case for you?



  • 3.  RE: Cold start on the device- Opstion to this massage?

    Posted Nov 27, 2018 06:04 AM

    no.. my snmp agent dosent restart , 

    ( i need to force restart snmp restart by comment isnt?) - and i didnt do that ....