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collect all of the aruba switch neighbor information

This thread has been viewed 12 times
  • 1.  collect all of the aruba switch neighbor information

    Posted 29 days ago


    How can I collect or generate report for all of the Aruba switches neighbor information to know all of the Aruba access point connect to which switch and which port?

    Best Regards,

    Jackson Ku

    Jackson Ku

  • 2.  RE: collect all of the aruba switch neighbor information

    Posted 28 days ago

    Hi Jackson.

    Depend on your management tool you use and type of switches.

    Directly from cli on CX you can use "show lldp neighbor-info" for ArubaOS-S (procurve) use "show lldp info remote" or on Comware use "display lldp neigh list".

    On Central you can get for CX via REST API 

    https://<apigw><serial no>/neighbors

    Best, Gorazd

    Gorazd Kikelj
    MVP Guru 2024

  • 3.  RE: collect all of the aruba switch neighbor information

    Posted 26 days ago


    May I get the information I need by Airwave for all switches onetime, not one by one?

    Best Regards,

    Jackson Ku

    Jackson Ku

  • 4.  RE: collect all of the aruba switch neighbor information

    Posted 25 days ago

    The best approximation is Topology List API

    Topology List

    getTopology output times might vary by folder depending on number of nodes available in the selected folder, and a high number of devices can impact Topology load times. Aruba recommends selecting the desired folders you wish to view before loading Topology.

    For more than 2,500 devices, the Topology loading time takes approximately six minutes. Wait for two to three minutes for AirWave to get the getTopology output and calculate the number of edges. When prompted, click Proceed so that the Topology page can continue to load which would take three more minutes to complete.

    • URL:<FolderID>
    • Parameters:
      • Limit information returned to a folder by supplying a folder ID.

      For example, to limit your view to the devices in a folder that has an ID number 5, enter the following URL into a browser:

      • Optionally, do not supply a folder ID to load API for all folders.

      For example, enter:

    • Example Output for Folder:

      { "nodes": [{"apID":31,"name":"b4:5d:50:","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 325","ip":"","mac":"B4:5D:50:","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"good","reason":[]}},{"apID":230,"name":"SLR01-OUT-b4:5d:50:","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 275","ip":"","mac":"B4:5D:50:","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"good","reason":[]}},{"apID":816,"name":"SLR01-ENG02-AP515-2020","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 515","ip":"","mac":"80:8D:B7:","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"poor","reason":[{"attribute":"alert","value":1},{"attribute":"up","value":0}]}},{"apID":240,"name":"SLR01-OUT-b4:5d:50:","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 275","ip":"","mac":"B4:5D:50:SS:SS:SS","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"good","reason":[]}},{"apID":499,"name":"SLR01-ENG02-AP345-2309","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 345","ip":"","mac":"C8:B5:AD:SS:SS:SS","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"good","reason":[]}},{"apID":891,"name":"SLR01HPEAP6006","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 325","ip":"","mac":"B0:B8:67:SS:SS:SS","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"good","reason":[]}},{"apID":178,"name":"SLR01HPEAP5031","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 325","ip":"","mac":"84:D4:7E:SS:SS:SS","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"poor","reason":[{"attribute":"alert","value":1},{"attribute":"up","value":0}]}},{"apID":456,"name":"SLR01-ENG02-AP345-2321","role":"AP","model":"Aruba AP 345","ip":"","mac":"C8:B5:AD:SS:SS:SS","folder":{"id":5,"name":"Top/Aruba HPE/SLR01"},"HealthInfo":{"health":"good","reason":[]}},

    Or you can try with ap_detail API. Look into AirWave API Guide for detail information.

    Best, Gorazd

    Gorazd Kikelj
    MVP Guru 2024