not exactly what you asked for, but maybe something below helps...
(hopefully I understood you right)
First idea:
Instead of combining prefixes and suffixes just send enforcement profile.
The way you are thinking about below, you already have to define 125 if clauses (25 Stacks multiplied by 5 workstation types). If you also define 125 enformcement profiles for the different VLANs, you do not need the prefix thing...
if NAS=Stack1 and AD-Group=PCW1 then VLANID=11
if NAS=Stack1 and AD-Group=PCW2 then VLANID=12
if NAS=Stack25 and AD-Group=PCW5 then VLANID=255
Second idea: (depends on model and version of your switch)
name the five VLANs identical on the stacks and pass vlan by name.
Stack1, VLANID 11, VLAN-Name PC-W1-VLAN
Stack 25, VLANid 255, VLAN-Name PC-W1-VLAN
then you simply need 5 if clauses:
if AD-Group=PC-W1 then VLAN-Name=PC-W1-VLAN
if AD-Group=PC-W5 then VLAN-Name=PCW5-VLAN
I didn't test this myself. But others did.
Search community to find information on this.
One reference: https://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Security/Assign-Tagged-VLAN-via-Radius-attribute-using-quot-HP-Egress/m-p/274863/highlight/true#M27509
The answer of networkingsire shows information about assignement by name.
Third idea: (depends on model and version of your switch)
Use the new aruba role features of newer switches. define roles for the 5 pc types on the stacks and assign vlans to the roles as needed.
Again you just need 5 if clauses to assing the roles.
if AD-Group=PC-W1 then Role=PC-W1-Role
if AD-Group=PC-W5 then Role=PC-W5-Role
What you cannot use this way is downloadable roles to download them from clearpass. You'd need 125 different roles and if clauses again to do this. (each stack needs to download its own set of roles...)
Regards, Jö