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  • 1.  Comware - qos - dot1p

    Posted Sep 08, 2023 10:54 AM


    we have 2 datacenters with a layer 2 leased line in between, HP comware switches 5700 are used as core switches and the layer 2 connection (bridge aggregation) is patched directly on the comware switches.

    As the layer 2 leased line has limited bandwidth, I want to prioritize  some traffic (e.g. HA heartbeats from the firewalls, which are in a dedicated vlan).

    My idea is to use layer 2 802.1p, create a traffic classifier, qos policy  and apply this to the interfaces (where the layer 2 leased line is patched) on the switches (both sides).

    In this way, in case there would be congestion on the leased line, all traffic from specific vlans would be prioritized (802.1p priority 7).

    I have found some examples, but these are always assigned to a vlan (prioritizes the vlan on the switch), but I want to mark all traffic from a specific vlan and give this the highest priority by assigning this policy .

    I'm struggling how to implement this...

    Can anyone help me or give me an idea how I could start with this?

    Any help is much appreciated!



  • 2.  RE: Comware - qos - dot1p

    Posted Sep 11, 2023 07:41 AM


    First, you shall not use QoS level 7 (should be reserved to internal, switching mechanisms)

    Mostly you need QoS5 or 6 

    Do you want to prioritize a vlan in the uplink only but not elsewhere on the network ?

    Do you want to "keep" the priority information between the 2 datacenters ?

    Frederic MEUNIER

  • 3.  RE: Comware - qos - dot1p

    Posted Sep 11, 2023 07:49 AM

    Hi Frederic,

    the backplane of this switch should be more then sufficient so I don't think I need to configure QOS om the complete switch.

    If I can prioritize the vlan in the uplink only (where the layer 2 throughput is less then elsewhere), that would already be great.

    About QOS 7, thanks for the heads up, I'll use queue 5 or 6.

    Do you have an idea how I could set this up in a easy way?



  • 4.  RE: Comware - qos - dot1p
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 11, 2023 09:32 AM
    Edited by gijs Sep 21, 2023 02:50 AM

    From what you explain, you can keep the vlan prioritized on the whole switch, on both sides, with no problem. QoS mechanisms are triggered when there is congestion on an interface, thus if there is no congestion, the QoS make no difference. Hence, it will play its role only on the inter-sites link.

    You shall keep it simple :

    traffic classifier ALL
    	if-match any
    traffic behavior cos5
    	remark dot1p 5
    qos policy Prio5
    	classifier ALL behavior cos5
    qos vlan-policy Prio5 vlan 9 outbound

    (assuming you want to prioritize vlan 9)

    that will set 802.1q prio 5 to all frames outbound from vlan 9 (leaving the switch)

    I guess last command works roughly the same applying inbound (all frame entering the switch from vlan 9 will be set CoS 5, thus prioritized when leaving the switch thereafter.

    Frederic MEUNIER

  • 5.  RE: Comware - qos - dot1p

    Posted Sep 13, 2023 03:29 AM

    Hi Frederic,

    I'll try this out and I'll keep you posted.

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated!



  • 6.  RE: Comware - qos - dot1p

    Posted Sep 20, 2023 08:27 AM


    above configuration is working fine. Thanks for your help!


  • 7.  RE: Comware - qos - dot1p

    Posted Sep 20, 2023 01:02 PM

    Happy to help !

    (1 kudo for me ?)

    Frederic MEUNIER