Hello cappalli, thank you for your email.
Sorry. What kind of connnection do this kind of device, DLNA?
Please check this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlQXx53Msro&nohtml5=False
I tried the same configuration in my network, I have two situations or two differnt scenarios.
1.- All the TIME the MELE S3 device is connected to my network through the ARUBA 2°FLOOR, and my laptop connected to the same network, same AP and same ssid of the network, I can configure the second display in windows 8.1 and I can add the device to my windows no problem and proyect, "RUNNING GOOD". LIKE THE VIDEO.
2.- The MELE S3 device is connected to my network through the ARUBA 3° FLOOR, AND MY LAPTOP CONNECTED to the same network, same AP and same SSID of the network, .... PROBLEM: I CAN'T CONFIGURE the second display, I can't add, check this video please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5sVlHz2qp4&nohtml5=False
in the PHILIPS LCD DISPLAY you can see, waiting to connect and finally in windows 8.1 received and error.
I don't know where is the problem. I need light.
Diego Esteban