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  • 1.  Connecting ArubaOS-CX OVA in ESXI environment and Physical Switches

    Posted Apr 15, 2021 09:27 PM
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    Attached guide "ESXI_OVA_SETUP.pdf" will walk thorough how to set up the ArubaOS-CX OVA in an ESXI environment.

    In this post, we will see how to interconnect ArubaOS-CX OVA in ESXI environment and ArubaOS-CX physical switches.


    Some Basics:

    vSwitch deals with the uplinks (Physical adapters) and port groups.

    • VLAN mapping is done on the Port Groups.
      If VLAN ID is 0, then traffic is not tagged.
      If VLAN ID is X, then traffic is tagged with X.

    Topology with vSwitch and PortGroup mapping.


    Connectivity within ESXI environment:

    Virtual switches: RTRA-RTRB-vs, RTRB-RTRC-vs, RTRC-RTRA-vs


    RTRA-RTRB-vs, RTRB-RTRC-vs and RTRC-RTRA-vs are isolated vswitch that represents the link between 2 devices.

    RTRA-RTRB-vs has RTRA-RTRB-PG that is associated to RouterA 1/1/2 and RouterB 1/1/2 ports.

    RTRB-RTRC-vs has RTRB-RTRC-PG that is associated to RouterB 1/1/1 and RouterC 1/1/2 ports.

    RTRC-RTRA-vs has RTRC-RTRA-PG that is associated to RouterC 1/1/1 and RouterA 1/1/1 ports.


    Connectivity between ESXI environment and Physical switches:

    Physical Adapter: Eth1

    Virtual switch: vswitch1

    Port Groups: RouterA-PG and RouterB-PG.

    vswitch1 has RouterA-PG that is associated to RouterA 1/1/3, tagging VLAN ID 1204.

    vswitch1 has RouterB-PG that is associated to RouterB 1/1/3, tagging VLAN ID 1206.

    vswitch1 is connected to physical adapter eth1.

    Fanout Switch Config:

    Ping from Physical Switches(8320-agg1 and 8320-agg2) to OVA switches in ESXI Environment (RouterA and RouterB):

    Kapildev Erampu
    PreSales Consultant
    Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
    Sydney, Australia.
    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE


    ESXI_OVA_SETUP.pdf   3.30 MB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Connecting ArubaOS-CX OVA in ESXI environment and Physical Switches

    Posted Apr 16, 2021 03:23 AM
    Hello Kapildev,
    Thank you for sharing.
    I would suggest that you also post this information in the new "AOS-CX Switch Simulator" page under the Airheads Community Learning forum.
    To view this new section, please make sure you're logged in first with your account on Airheads.
    Here is the announcement:


    Vincent Giles

  • 3.  RE: Connecting ArubaOS-CX OVA in ESXI environment and Physical Switches

    Posted Apr 16, 2021 09:09 PM
    Sure Vincent. Will do that.

    Kapildev Erampu
    PreSales Consultant
    Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
    Sydney, Australia.
    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE

  • 4.  RE: Connecting ArubaOS-CX OVA in ESXI environment and Physical Switches

    Posted Apr 16, 2021 08:54 PM
    but arent the physical switches -Core Switches....

    Derrick Vaughn

  • 5.  RE: Connecting ArubaOS-CX OVA in ESXI environment and Physical Switches

    Posted Apr 16, 2021 09:13 PM
    Hey Derrick,
    In the diagram, 8320-Agg1 and 8320-Agg2 are Physical switches.
    8320 is mostly used in the core/agg layer.

    Kapildev Erampu
    PreSales Consultant
    Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
    Sydney, Australia.
    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE