Let see
in what band are you connected?
2.4ghz? or 5ghz?
Can you try doing a test of a extended ping with a mac or a windows station?
for example ping www.google.com -t
And let it run for like 5 mins or 8 mins and then check what was the porcentage of ping lost...
Are you sharing the Vlan of that wireless with a wired vlan? because this highly affect the througput.
Do you have band steering on?
Are you able to see if there is too much interference in the channel?
you can check if there is too much non non 802.11 noise with this command
(Aruba200) #show ap active ip-addr <ap ip address>
Check to make sure:
Channel Frame Retry Rate % is below 30%. If higher then too much
Channel Noise Floor is above 80. If Noise Floor is lower then too much
non-802.11 interference