Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Continuous DHCP renew requests from the section of Aruba APs?

    Posted Jun 12, 2017 01:53 PM



    I am running with code on an Aruba 7240XM controller with a network of over 300 APs. Off late I am experiencing an issue with about 10 APs in my network that they dropped from the controller. 

    On the DHCP server, I see continous DHCP renew requests from this APs at every 45 seconds. 


    Continous DHCP renew.png


    What are the probable reasons wherein we run into situations as these?

    Are there any specific control path captures or debugs that I can have enabled on the controller to root cause the issue for the APs that are shown on controller as down?

  • 2.  RE: Continuous DHCP renew requests from the section of Aruba APs?

    Posted Jun 12, 2017 08:00 PM

    Do a packet capture and see what the lease time is.  Or, the links on those APS could be flapping for some reason..

  • 3.  RE: Continuous DHCP renew requests from the section of Aruba APs?

    Posted Jun 13, 2017 12:57 AM

    Hi Joseph,


    The lease is ample and about 8 days. From the switch logs, I don't see the interface as flapping either.


    By anatomy, how often are the Aruba Access Points are to request for a IP renew after failing to hold an IP address? In the screen shot I shared, the lease request from AP is seen as often as every 45 seconds. Is it expected behaviour?


    I have these aruba APs connected on a Cisco 3850 switch with LLDP enabled, only the APs that are up on controller are reflected with capability "W" in "show lldp neighbours", while the APs that are not up on the controller but reflected in "show lldp neighbours" shows capability as blank.



  • 4.  RE: Continuous DHCP renew requests from the section of Aruba APs?

    Posted Jun 13, 2017 01:33 AM

    The access points will only request a lease at the 50% expiry of the lease, as per the standard.  You could have something else going on in your infrastructure that is making those devices flap.