i am trying to convert iap-93 to cap but it fails i see it cannot connect to port 21 in error logs any help appreciated.
show vpn status
profile name:default
current using tunnel :unselected tunnel
ipsec is preempt status :disable
ipsec is fast failover status :disable
ipsec hold on period :600
ipsec tunnel monitor frequency (seconds/packet) :5
ipsec tunnel monitor timeout by lost packet cnt :2
ipsec primary tunnel crypto type :Cert
ipsec primary tunnel peer address :N/A
ipsec primary tunnel peer tunnel ip :N/A
ipsec primary tunnel ap tunnel ip :N/A
ipsec primary tunnel current sm status :Init
ipsec primary tunnel tunnel status :Down
ipsec primary tunnel tunnel retry times :0
ipsec primary tunnel tunnel uptime :0
ipsec backup tunnel crypto type :Cert
ipsec backup tunnel peer address :N/A
ipsec backup tunnel peer tunnel ip :N/A
ipsec backup tunnel ap tunnel ip :N/A
ipsec backup tunnel current sm status :Init
ipsec backup tunnel tunnel status :Down
ipsec backup tunnel tunnel retry times :0
ipsec backup tunnel tunnel uptime :0
end of show vpn status
show upgrade info
Image Upgrade Progress
Mac IP Address AP Class Status Image Info Error Detail
--- ---------- -------- ------ ---------- ------------
24:de:c6:c0:7a:a4 Orion downloading ac- Retrieve image fail
Auto reboot :enable
Use external URL :enable
end of show upgrade info
show log upgrade
----------Download log start----------
Executing '/aruba/bin/download_image_swarm ac- --no-proxy X-Ap-Info:BU0072836,24:de:c6:c0:7a:a4,AP-93'
fetching ('/usr/sbin/wget -T 120 -t 3 --no-proxy --header=X-Ap-Info:BU0072836,24:de:c6:c0:7a:a4,AP-93 -a /tmp/download_url_log ftp://sap:x@')
--00:04:03-- ftp://sap:*password*@
=> `mips32.ari'
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.
Error: failed to retrieve image
cleaning up
----------Download log end------------
Download status: Retrieve image fail
----------Upgrade log start----------
upgrade log not available
----------Upgrade log end------------
Upgrade status: upgrade status not available
end of show log upgrade
show log rapper
Rapper info not available
end of show log rapper