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  • 1.  Core cant Ping Router

    Posted Nov 09, 2011 10:59 PM

    Hello everyone,


    I am newbie here...

    I need a help about something that may related with STP. I found this on my router(3com ):-


    hwping-agent enable
    hwping imclinktopologypleaseignore ping
    test-type icmp
    destination-ip x.x.x.x (ip router)
    frequency 270
    send-trap probefailure 


    router still can ping Core but Core cant ping Router. internal LAN also cant ping router. I remove that command above, but still facing the same issue. Router still can be telnet from Internal LAN or via HP IMC...No changes on configuration both router (except that command above suddenly appear) or Core. Just addition on Core for  Distribution Switch Migration that not related with connection to Router.


    Help Me....  ; )




  • 2.  RE: Core cant Ping Router

    Posted Nov 15, 2011 04:08 AM
    How they are connected ? what are the subnets ??

    The above are not related to STP nor to the routing, it is just a ping test to track the interface and generate an SNMP trap if the link goes down (i guess),

  • 3.  RE: Core cant Ping Router

    Posted Nov 16, 2011 12:25 AM

    Thanks for review,


    Act i am a bit (may be a lot) blur about ur quest..

    how are they connected?  Config on CORE is on vlan 40 and port g6/1/21 access 40 (down) but no directly physically connected. Through switch.

    Since it's nothing to do with STP, why NMS Server cant ping the router ? even Core cant ping that router ip.

    What is the the function of huawieping (hwping) command?

    What is command hwping imclinktopologypleaseignore ping purpose ?